| Description | solved | Rating
| Cheeky DeBugger by PrimeWeasel (solved on 13. November 2022, 00:23) | 58 | 97 %
| Dutch Sudoku Championship 2022 Leftover - Slingshot Sudoku by Richard (solved on 7. July 2022, 00:06) | 82 | 93 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (336) - Remote Clones Sudoku by Richard (solved on 23. September 2021, 23:22) | 98 | 96 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (321) - Slingshot Sudoku by Richard (solved on 23. May 2021, 13:12) | 95 | 97 %
| Introduction to Compass Fillomino by MagnusJosefsson (solved on 23. May 2021, 01:30) | 82 | 93 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (306) - Square Crow Sudoku by Richard (solved on 3. February 2021, 23:17) | 59 | 95 %
| Pointing Index Sudoku by tzael (solved on 18. December 2020, 20:47) | 18 | 90 %
| Sleigh Ride (Slingshot) Sudoku by ICHTUES (solved on 13. December 2020, 22:23) | 56 | 89 %
| Locust [Kropki Killer Sudoku] by Panthera (solved on 13. December 2020, 20:57) | 29 | 93 %
| The Slingshot Palindrome by ICHTUES (solved on 6. December 2020, 11:29) | 8 | N/A
| Kropki Placement Sudoku #2 by udukos (solved on 25. November 2020, 21:09) | 25 | 93 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (294) - X-Sums Snake Sudoku by Richard (solved on 11. November 2020, 09:29) | 96 | 94 %
| Sandwich Sudoku--肉夹馍(1) by cdwg2000 (solved on 5. November 2020, 21:54) | 81 | 89 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (292) - Coordinates Sudoku by Richard (solved on 28. October 2020, 18:28) | 56 | 97 %
| Slingshot Sandwich by udukos (solved on 18. October 2020, 13:44) | 9 | N/A
| Parity Party XII, "Herbst" by glum_hippo (solved on 11. October 2020, 21:33) | 34 | 97 %
| Teacups by Qodec (solved on 25. September 2020, 14:27) | 57 | 91 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (287) - Pivot Sudoku by Richard (solved on 23. September 2020, 17:08) | 100 | 97 %
| Double Thermo by Reverend (solved on 12. September 2020, 08:38) | 84 | 89 %
| Parity Party XI - "Elevation" by glum_hippo (solved on 28. August 2020, 15:12) | 22 | 93 %