| Description | solved | Rating
| Paintball (Arrow Killer) by tallcat (solved on 6. July 2021, 23:06) | 142 | 96 %
| Consecutive Sudoku by timp1343 (solved on 5. July 2021, 22:00) | 112 | 88 %
| Palindrome Sums II by tzael (solved on 4. July 2021, 22:31) | 129 | 94 %
| CrazyCompass by DrunkenSailor (solved on 4. July 2021, 01:33) | 147 | 83 %
| Twenty-Seven by djorr (solved on 3. July 2021, 22:52) | 140 | 83 %
| Veni, Vidi, Vici by ICHTUES (solved on 3. July 2021, 02:09) | 141 | 91 %
| Clear Cut (Arrow Killer Sudoku) by Agent (solved on 2. July 2021, 18:45) | 67 | 85 %
| UAP Comms Perhaps... (Sudoku) by PDN777 (solved on 2. July 2021, 04:03) | 128 | 93 %
| 7x7 Chaos Constructions: X-Sums by SudokuExplorer (solved on 18. June 2021, 01:50) | 65 | 97 %
| A Different Mindset by Lisztes (solved on 16. June 2021, 21:33) | 89 | 90 %
| Gaps by Genie64 (solved on 15. June 2021, 07:09) | 109 | 84 %
| Nat King Cold by djorr (solved on 14. June 2021, 22:07) | 64 | 85 %
| Dendrites by SSG (solved on 13. June 2021, 06:00) | 143 | 89 %
| HBD Qodec by abed hawila (solved on 12. June 2021, 20:33) | 83 | 95 %
| A Row of Busy Ants by filimo (solved on 10. June 2021, 02:19) | 181 | 74 %
| Arrow Quadruples Sudoku by magno (solved on 3. June 2021, 21:19) | 189 | 79 %
| 6x6 Chaos Constructions: X-Sums by SudokuExplorer (solved on 3. June 2021, 01:22) | 64 | 97 %
| 真笑Puzzles008--Chaos Construction--“墨子” 001 by cdwg2000 (solved on 2. June 2021, 07:20) | 153 | 92 %
| Pinball by lm-sw (solved on 28. May 2021, 23:40) | 89 | 90 %
| Double the Math by Mad-Tyas (solved on 25. May 2021, 22:52) | 120 | 94 %