| Description | solved | Rating
| 23 Killer by Florian Wortmann (solved on 18. January 2023, 20:41) | 75 | 94 %
| Concerto in black dot minor by Emphyrio (solved on 11. January 2023, 11:00) | 23 | 89 %
| A-Sums Sudoku (5) by ICHTUES (solved on 9. January 2023, 21:38) | 23 | 96 %
| Doublophobia by lepton (solved on 7. January 2023, 14:16) | 19 | 97 %
| Whisper Of The Killer Snake 2 by Joseph nehme (solved on 30. December 2022, 23:29) | 45 | 94 %
| Worm on a Stick by ThePedallingPianist (solved on 22. December 2022, 11:53) | 71 | 92 %
| Bookends (XY-Sums) by thoughtbyte (solved on 18. December 2022, 01:24) | 42 | 93 %
| The Trident by antiknight (solved on 18. December 2022, 00:42) | 59 | 95 %
| Reflections (Antiknight Killer Sudoku) by Phistomefel (solved on 17. December 2022, 23:42) | 162 | 96 %
| Cyclone by antiknight (solved on 12. December 2022, 15:49) | 28 | 90 %
| Lot 8 by jsmirob (solved on 6. December 2022, 12:22) | 36 | 81 %
| Stealth (feat. tallcat) by the_cogito (solved on 11. November 2022, 18:57) | 78 | 94 %
| 3etween 2 (Between lines sudoku) by Qodec (solved on 10. November 2022, 11:44) | 58 | 96 %
| Jester by DadJokes (solved on 22. October 2022, 20:30) | 22 | 89 %
| Working Title by Tanadien_Whiteowl (solved on 8. August 2022, 10:42) | 25 | 88 %
| Anti-Sums by Sayori (solved on 26. July 2022, 21:48) | 7 | N/A
| The 8th Room by antiknight (solved on 26. July 2022, 12:07) | 32 | 95 %
| UFO (Anti-Knight Thermometer) by FuryfulFawful (solved on 24. July 2022, 22:09) | 63 | 90 %
| Nashville by ICHTUES (solved on 19. June 2022, 12:44) | 71 | 97 %
| Renmometers by Jeet Sampat (solved on 6. June 2022, 20:42) | 44 | 92 %