| Description | solved | Rating
| Killer pi Sandwich by Orpheus (solved on 20. January 2021, 20:03) | 61 | 86 %
| Classic Starbattle by Rotstein (solved on 20. January 2021, 19:34) | 80 | 78 %
| DSM Qualitraining 2021: Irregular by glum_hippo (solved on 20. January 2021, 11:47) | 106 | 88 %
| 红葉puzzles(PP57): Kakuro002 by cdwg2000 (solved on 20. January 2021, 11:14) | 79 | 78 %
| Tag 08 - Yin Yang by CJK (solved on 20. January 2021, 11:00) | 77 | 89 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (304) - Even Parity Circles Sudoku by Richard (solved on 20. January 2021, 08:30) | 156 | 91 %
| Chaos Sudoku with Renban Groups V by zhergan (solved on 19. January 2021, 19:43) | 77 | 85 %
| Japanese Sums and Battleships by yureklis (solved on 19. January 2021, 16:34) | 118 | 93 %
| Psycho Killer by yureklis (solved on 19. January 2021, 07:58) | 139 | 83 %
| Kropki Windoku by Richard (solved on 18. January 2021, 23:06) | 140 | 90 %
| Windoku-Kropki 2 by julius64 (solved on 18. January 2021, 22:43) | 86 | 81 %
| Puzzle Alphabet Warm-Up (4/4): Doppelstern by JonaS2010 (solved on 18. January 2021, 19:01) | 82 | 89 %
| Heyawake 1 by pwahs (solved on 18. January 2021, 18:47) | 131 | 73 %
| Killeriana: Overkiller by Pyrrhon (solved on 18. January 2021, 17:13) | 123 | 84 %
| Zum Warmwerden - Kakuro 2 by uvo (solved on 18. January 2021, 16:56) | 88 | 86 %
| Mannlzeug: Summenzerlegung by Pyrrhon (solved on 18. January 2021, 16:29) | 104 | 86 %
| Consecutive I by yureklis (solved on 18. January 2021, 15:51) | 157 | 80 %
| Non-Consecutive Sudoku Zwilling by Pingu (solved on 18. January 2021, 15:36) | 36 | 95 %
| Tridoku Experience by DocLogic (solved on 18. January 2021, 12:25) | 43 | 86 %
| Killer Magic 5X5 by GremlinSA (solved on 18. January 2021, 12:00) | 72 | 87 %