| Description | solved | Rating
| Chaos Rösselsprung II by surbier (solved on 3. February 2014, 23:12) | 88 | 81 %
| Knapp-daneben-Kryptos (5): Rundweg by ibag (solved on 3. February 2014, 22:23) | 55 | 94 %
| Knapp-daneben-Kryptos (2): Magnetplatten by ibag (solved on 3. February 2014, 21:33) | 57 | 93 %
| Knapp-daneben-Kryptos (6): Japanische Summen by ibag (solved on 3. February 2014, 17:48) | 55 | 98 %
| Wichtelkalender 2014 - Februar by ibag (solved on 2. February 2014, 19:36) | 66 | 98 %
| Pentomino in the Box by Richard (solved on 30. January 2014, 22:34) | 75 | 91 %
| Jigsaw Sudoku by Richard (solved on 30. January 2014, 20:40) | 103 | 86 %
| Ereignisreiches Rätseljahr by Zzzyxas (solved on 29. January 2014, 23:03) | 25 | 97 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (009) - Next to nine Sudoku by Richard (solved on 28. January 2014, 07:17) | 356 | 91 %
| January City Construction Month (3) - Yajilin by Richard (solved on 25. January 2014, 09:32) | 69 | 94 %
| Chaos Rösselsprung I by surbier (solved on 25. January 2014, 08:01) | 121 | 76 %
| January City Construction Month (4) - Regional City Construction by Richard (solved on 24. January 2014, 12:31) | 65 | 91 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (008) - Trio Sudoku by Richard (solved on 21. January 2014, 06:54) | 267 | 73 %
| Tetro-Yajilin (Null) by usp (solved on 18. January 2014, 20:21) | 122 | 87 %
| Halligen by tuace (solved on 18. January 2014, 19:48) | 91 | 94 %
| Doppelschritt Windoku II by surbier (solved on 18. January 2014, 09:50) | 99 | 73 %
| U-Bahn mit Doppelgleisen IV by ildiko (solved on 16. January 2014, 22:47) | 28 | 94 %
| Tetro-Yajilin (2) by usp (solved on 16. January 2014, 22:16) | 80 | 88 %
| Xuriza - klein by hopppe (solved on 15. January 2014, 19:35) | 389 | 54 %
| U-Bahn mit Doppelgleisen III by ildiko (solved on 15. January 2014, 07:55) | 41 | 94 %