| Description | solved | Rating
| Stay away from my primes! by SecretCaveman (solved on 5. January 2021, 23:43) | 12 | N/A
| The Trail by Lisztes (solved on 5. January 2021, 20:52) | 82 | 88 %
| Find the Bulbs by andreasv (solved on 4. January 2021, 18:35) | 160 | 82 %
| Find More Bulbs by andreasv (solved on 4. January 2021, 17:59) | 188 | 81 %
| Thermo Killer Christmastree by Jean-Michel Genot (solved on 4. January 2021, 17:10) | 66 | 87 %
| "Broken" Kropki XV Sudoku Tic Tac Toe by Ryx (solved on 4. January 2021, 12:35) | 160 | 80 %
| Blind Spot Sudoku 1 by Wecoc (solved on 3. January 2021, 21:43) | 93 | 85 %
| Growing Queen Sudoku by EspressoMaster (solved on 3. January 2021, 16:00) | 148 | 79 %
| Spider and Fly by LucyAudrin (solved on 3. January 2021, 14:18) | 111 | 91 %
| Car! by Elisabeth (solved on 2. January 2021, 23:21) | 284 | 73 %
| Toasted Sandwich Sudoku by Woodsy (solved on 2. January 2021, 22:57) | 90 | 82 %
| Crowded Killer by Lisztes (solved on 2. January 2021, 18:35) | 90 | 81 %
| Resonance Sudoku-separated but the same heart by bigger (solved on 31. December 2020, 16:02) | 49 | 89 %
| 4-Kropki by Ken Duna (solved on 31. December 2020, 15:16) | 47 | 83 %
| Wo ist die Magie? by Frans Wentholt (solved on 30. December 2020, 21:54) | 74 | 83 %
| 6 Magic Squares by Frans Wentholt (solved on 30. December 2020, 21:10) | 14 | 83 %
| Potpourri by HalfBakedLunatic (solved on 30. December 2020, 19:26) | 92 | 82 %
| Killer Arrow Sudoku - 3, 2, 1, Magic! by DiMono (solved on 30. December 2020, 17:05) | 31 | 88 %
| Window Sudoku by stimim (solved on 30. December 2020, 01:01) | 49 | 80 %
| Medieval Magic by Frans Wentholt (solved on 29. December 2020, 23:20) | 162 | 72 %