| Description | solved | Rating
| 6/10 Digits by HawkAvatar (solved on 5. February 2022, 20:09) | 609 | 94 %
| Warming Killer Lines / Erwärmung der Killerlinien by PDN777 (solved on 5. February 2022, 19:42) | 234 | 88 %
| Biking uphill by Testarossa (solved on 5. February 2022, 19:29) | 199 | 88 %
| Collaborative Cages by EricRathbun (solved on 5. February 2022, 16:04) | 59 | 91 %
| Critical Nature of 4's and 3's by Will Power (solved on 5. February 2022, 15:23) | 76 | 85 %
| Access Points by Will Power (solved on 5. February 2022, 14:30) | 145 | 81 %
| Nana Bear by twototenth (solved on 5. February 2022, 13:39) | 132 | 90 %
| Xentropic Lines by JeremyDover (solved on 5. February 2022, 12:29) | 154 | 90 %
| Shotgun Blast by Will Power (solved on 30. January 2022, 16:39) | 161 | 84 %
| Test Tube by Will Power (solved on 30. January 2022, 16:11) | 213 | 85 %
| 5 is the Answer to Everything by Will Power (solved on 30. January 2022, 15:44) | 216 | 87 %
| Autonomous Automation by Will Power (solved on 30. January 2022, 13:39) | 90 | 87 %
| Emanated Radiance by Will Power (solved on 30. January 2022, 12:35) | 93 | 84 %
| Workin' on My Knight Moves by Will Power (solved on 30. January 2022, 12:03) | 89 | 90 %
| The Great Escape by Will Power (solved on 30. January 2022, 10:39) | 79 | 97 %
| Jacob's Ladder by Will Power (solved on 30. January 2022, 09:55) | 148 | 89 %
| 7 Up by Ceedrich (solved on 30. January 2022, 09:12) | 193 | 88 %
| Straight as an Arrow by EricRathbun (solved on 29. January 2022, 19:49) | 126 | 87 %
| Renban Killer 2 by PDN777 (solved on 29. January 2022, 19:21) | 834 | 90 %
| That's ODD! by Will Power (solved on 29. January 2022, 18:22) | 195 | 85 %