| Description | solved | Rating
 | Positive Negativity by The Bard (solved on 3. August 2024, 08:55) | 225 |  97 %
 | Galactic Census by Blobz (solved on 3. August 2024, 04:37) | 82 |  95 %
 | Cross-out Challenge by CraftyRaf (solved on 3. August 2024, 04:01) | 187 |  88 %
 | Entropical Paradise by Sedwards3795 (solved on 3. August 2024, 03:53) | 233 |  91 %
 | Group Dynamics by Will Power (solved on 2. August 2024, 16:43) | 122 |  92 %
 | Water Wizz by 99%Sneaky (solved on 2. August 2024, 16:07) | 127 |  95 %
 | Dotty Alsatian [German Whispers, Black Dots] by fractalJim (solved on 2. August 2024, 14:56) | 65 |  81 %
 | German Summer in the Fog by meggen033 (solved on 2. August 2024, 14:24) | 417 |  92 %
 | Power Up! v2 by theasylm (solved on 1. August 2024, 17:58) | 34 |  84 %
 | Observing Skyscrapers by Tulrak (solved on 1. August 2024, 17:34) | 45 |  86 %
 | Rising temperature by antiknight (solved on 1. August 2024, 17:04) | 37 |  85 %
 | Drop by zetamath (solved on 1. August 2024, 15:05) | 146 |  98 %
 | A Game of Two Halves by Abdul the Killer (solved on 1. August 2024, 14:14) | 42 |  94 %
 | Separated Pairs by arbitrary (solved on 1. August 2024, 08:41) | 15 |  98 %
 | Thermometers pointing to 1 by Carinthir (solved on 1. August 2024, 06:12) | 41 |  81 %
 | Cage Dots in the Fog by Elytron (solved on 1. August 2024, 05:06) | 216 |  95 %
 | XV*3.1 by NurglesGift (solved on 31. July 2024, 17:20) | 64 |  89 %
 | XV*3 by NurglesGift (solved on 31. July 2024, 12:12) | 119 |  96 %
 | Rensum 5 by juddimal (solved on 31. July 2024, 11:35) | 15 |  N/A
 | Broken Symmetry by chrisjnap (solved on 30. July 2024, 17:35) | 256 |  94 %