| Description | solved | Rating
| Campsite #5 by PrimeWeasel (solved on 30. July 2023, 17:55) | 11 | N/A
| Sayori IV (6x6) by LittleNightmaresLady (solved on 27. July 2023, 20:03) | 5 | N/A
| Partition by 3good5you (solved on 27. July 2023, 11:34) | 14 | 94 %
| Decimal (Latin Square) by duyaa (solved on 25. July 2023, 09:15) | 1 | N/A
| YYSL Quads by Blobz (solved on 24. July 2023, 16:39) | 130 | 96 %
| Carpet Arrows by Jobo (solved on 24. July 2023, 15:56) | 22 | 79 %
| Fill-a-Renban by SSG (solved on 23. July 2023, 17:47) | 40 | 95 %
| TFT Snakes by Stoer (solved on 22. July 2023, 17:36) | 6 | N/A
| Islands 3: Another Archipelagic Discovery by SamuPiano (solved on 21. July 2023, 14:23) | 14 | 100 %
| Tales from the Loop by DarthParadox (solved on 21. July 2023, 11:05) | 4 | N/A
| Anti-symmetry Hexominous by tesseralis (solved on 19. July 2023, 08:30) | 20 | 93 %
| Quietly Indexing by Apathetic Husk (solved on 18. July 2023, 18:45) | 51 | 89 %
| Equal Sum Snake by Scruffamudda (solved on 18. July 2023, 11:57) | 7 | N/A
| The Door around the Corner by XeonRisq (solved on 16. July 2023, 20:39) | 121 | 98 %
| All Odd Arrows (7x7) by randomra (solved on 14. July 2023, 14:28) | 1 | N/A
| Skeleton Sight by Blobz (solved on 10. July 2023, 17:07) | 59 | 91 %
| SimCity 4 by Blashyrkh (solved on 9. July 2023, 18:34) | 56 | 88 %
| Dante's Chaotic Journey by SenatorGronk (solved on 8. July 2023, 16:20) | 22 | 100 %
| The Postman Problem by ThePedallingPianist (solved on 6. July 2023, 14:50) | 19 | 100 %
| Brick Wall by benbruce (solved on 6. July 2023, 09:08) | 4 | N/A