| Description | solved | Rating
| Hacked Diamond by greyden (solved on 20. March 2023, 21:20) | 84 | 93 %
| Big Pharma by ul-Rhymm (solved on 20. March 2023, 20:52) | 68 | 96 %
| Z (Knightmare) by riffclown (solved on 20. March 2023, 20:29) | 18 | 78 %
| Disorderly Conduct by Allagem (solved on 20. March 2023, 19:44) | 164 | 96 %
| Not too High, Not too Low by Cane_Puzzles (solved on 20. March 2023, 17:01) | 53 | 97 %
| Heatseekers by Nordy (solved on 20. March 2023, 16:29) | 32 | 94 %
| Heat Index by Die Hard (solved on 20. March 2023, 16:10) | 22 | 87 %
| Doubler Equalines by Mad-Tyas (solved on 20. March 2023, 15:51) | 130 | 97 %
| Whisper That Back To me by HalfBakedLunatic (solved on 20. March 2023, 15:34) | 107 | 91 %
| Unique Peaks 6 by Scruffamudda (solved on 20. March 2023, 06:02) | 37 | 86 %
| Ninethmare by MavericksJD (solved on 20. March 2023, 05:12) | 27 | 85 %
| Doggo Adventure #12 by waffles_the_dog (solved on 20. March 2023, 03:54) | 59 | 90 %
| Wings by dennischen (solved on 20. March 2023, 03:05) | 166 | 96 %
| Looking for Phisto by EPH (solved on 19. March 2023, 02:13) | 30 | 95 %
| Little Cages by EPH (solved on 18. March 2023, 21:32) | 90 | 95 %
| A Knight's Cages by Bother__ (solved on 18. March 2023, 21:11) | 120 | 87 %
| Fadenkreuz by Myxo (solved on 18. March 2023, 14:24) | 164 | 97 %
| Chess Phobic Doublers by wildhound007 (solved on 18. March 2023, 06:12) | 31 | 75 %
| Matoran Scribble by shinggaming (solved on 17. March 2023, 23:17) | 15 | 79 %
| The Killer Conundrum by shinggaming (solved on 17. March 2023, 19:09) | 6 | N/A