| Description | solved | Rating
 | Flat Cosmos (Chaos Construction) by sfushidahardy (solved on 7. February 2025, 19:15) | 70 |  99 %
 | A Few Glasses O' Bubbly by HalfBakedLunatic (solved on 31. March 2024, 19:51) | 187 |  96 %
 | Candles in the Window by rockratzero (solved on 14. December 2023, 18:10) | 154 |  94 %
 | Dreidels and Gelt by rockratzero (solved on 3. December 2023, 22:12) | 74 |  96 %
 | Silent Knights by Jolly Rogers (solved on 2. December 2023, 17:16) | 85 |  94 %
 | Reflected Knight by Jolly Rogers (solved on 18. November 2023, 13:08) | 143 |  95 %
 | YYSL X-Sums by Blobz (solved on 7. November 2023, 16:17) | 141 |  98 %
 | Large and small circles by Sinya (solved on 4. November 2023, 16:26) | 613 |  90 %
 | Roots by EFlatMinor (solved on 4. November 2023, 13:01) | 220 |  93 %
 | Dhelmise by Sniglett (solved on 4. November 2023, 12:23) | 127 |  91 %
 | Dutch Flat Mates (German Whispers) by Flinty (solved on 2. November 2023, 15:23) | 312 |  96 %
 | ▨ Foggy Loop ▧ by ElChiglia (solved on 2. November 2023, 00:30) | 264 |  95 %
 | Oil, Water, Vampires by Blobz (solved on 31. October 2023, 15:16) | 132 |  96 %
 | Synchronized Swimming? by Will Power (solved on 18. October 2023, 16:33) | 272 |  90 %
 | Blues Clues by Dr Sudoku (solved on 16. October 2023, 17:55) | 186 |  94 %
 | Ger Whis by yttrio (solved on 8. October 2023, 15:20) | 90 |  97 %
 | Lake Tour (Nala‘s Adventures #13) by SandraNala (solved on 7. October 2023, 19:12) | 241 |  96 %
 | Buena Suerte by jwsinclair (solved on 4. October 2023, 21:38) | 290 |  96 %
 | Hot Thermos by jojo81gaming (solved on 29. September 2023, 15:49) | 62 |  94 %
 | Ratio Ring by Will Power (solved on 27. September 2023, 21:29) | 310 |  94 %