| Description | solved | Rating
| 199 by DocLogic (solved on 8. August 2023, 12:29) | 122 | 88 %
| Around the World in 80... with Michael Palin-Drome by LeaVulpina (solved on 8. August 2023, 08:34) | 214 | 90 %
| Good Fortune (Classic Sudoku) by britboy3456 (solved on 7. August 2023, 18:06) | 70 | 78 %
| Heavy is the Head (Thermo) by zegres (solved on 7. August 2023, 10:37) | 137 | 95 %
| The Knights Who Whisper "V" by gdc (solved on 28. July 2023, 16:27) | 440 | 92 %
| Five, fünf, cinco, 五, ხუთი by Sakartvelo18 (solved on 28. July 2023, 08:10) | 253 | 89 %
| (Just Anti-Knight) ⟶ JAK-12 by Stargazing Albatross (solved on 28. July 2023, 07:52) | 205 | 84 %
| A Coloring Conundrum by lapazhu (solved on 27. July 2023, 08:33) | 650 | 92 %
| Anti-XV Kropki Pairs by gdc (solved on 24. July 2023, 10:21) | 92 | 83 %
| I'm Surrounded! by CaptZebraCakes (solved on 23. July 2023, 05:40) | 70 | 85 %
| Drizzle by heliopolix (solved on 22. July 2023, 11:08) | 176 | 93 %
| Fifteen love by sujoyku (solved on 21. July 2023, 22:04) | 231 | 91 %
| Ninja by ThithildeProuv (solved on 21. July 2023, 05:44) | 190 | 93 %
| Crossed Signals by jwsinclair (solved on 20. July 2023, 06:38) | 145 | 95 %
| Whispering in the Dark by asaddu (solved on 18. July 2023, 08:26) | 286 | 89 %
| Colorado 8 by Florian Wortmann (solved on 17. July 2023, 10:58) | 409 | 96 %
| x'clusion (Antiknight Thermo Killer) by Florian Wortmann (solved on 17. July 2023, 07:39) | 214 | 96 %
| Quadruple by Blashyrkh (solved on 16. July 2023, 11:39) | 254 | 91 %
| Roadside Attraction by 99%Sneaky (solved on 14. July 2023, 06:41) | 200 | 95 %
| Heartbreak by NIGHTCRAULER (solved on 13. July 2023, 07:22) | 205 | 88 %