| Description | solved | Rating
| VoX Populi by Scojo (solved on 19. October 2023, 08:30) | 232 | 91 %
| Arrox by ICHTUES (solved on 16. October 2023, 12:05) | 187 | 95 %
| Arrox 7 by Florian Wortmann (solved on 15. October 2023, 19:30) | 136 | 93 %
| Mini Ludoku by Flinty (solved on 12. October 2023, 09:02) | 302 | 86 %
| Entropy Flower by Mad-Tyas (solved on 11. October 2023, 09:09) | 293 | 97 %
| Big Stubby Arrow by Flinty (solved on 9. October 2023, 09:04) | 317 | 92 %
| That's 3 in the spotlight... by Flinty (solved on 9. October 2023, 07:54) | 325 | 93 %
| Foggy Outside by Flinty (solved on 9. October 2023, 07:39) | 735 | 92 %
| Dressed to the Nines by Will Power (solved on 8. October 2023, 08:23) | 436 | 90 %
| Synapses by ademjaz (solved on 6. October 2023, 16:05) | 57 | 93 %
| Just 3 arrows by ademjaz (solved on 5. October 2023, 19:36) | 176 | 96 %
| Satellite by sdholmes (solved on 5. October 2023, 17:00) | 152 | 96 %
| Büroklammer | Paperclip by olima (solved on 5. October 2023, 07:50) | 53 | 88 %
| Rear Fog Lights by olima (solved on 4. October 2023, 16:30) | 192 | 95 %
| 159 Arrows by Blobz (solved on 3. October 2023, 08:39) | 178 | 97 %
| Butterfly (arrow sudoku) by Aspartagcus (solved on 2. October 2023, 09:59) | 133 | 96 %
| Jester by sdholmes (solved on 1. October 2023, 10:34) | 96 | 86 %
| Four Leaf Clovers by sdholmes (solved on 1. October 2023, 09:36) | 150 | 90 %
| Whisper to my heart by Jolly Rogers (solved on 30. September 2023, 10:42) | 80 | 92 %
| Steamy Secrets by Flinty (solved on 29. September 2023, 08:45) | 408 | 93 %