| Description | solved | Rating
| Primesweeper Sudoku by SenatorGronk (solved on 26. January 2021, 14:56) | 35 | 92 %
| Connect The Dits by Undar_Beyond (solved on 21. January 2021, 13:34) | 47 | 86 %
| Pencil puzzle sudoku hybrid series #5 - Slitherlink killer sudoku by Aspartagcus (solved on 21. January 2021, 04:42) | 28 | 95 %
| Anti-Knight Thermo Little Killer by Gliperal (solved on 19. January 2021, 02:00) | 90 | 90 %
| Mixed Doubles [Checkered Fillomino] by Panthera (solved on 18. January 2021, 23:32) | 25 | 87 %
| DSM Qualitraining 2021: Average Arrows by Realshaggy (solved on 18. January 2021, 02:49) | 40 | 97 %
| Anti-Fortress Arrow Sudoku by Phistomefel (solved on 18. January 2021, 00:33) | 85 | 94 %
| Eddies by Qodec (solved on 17. January 2021, 04:26) | 68 | 99 %
| Sandwiched in Between by udukos (solved on 16. January 2021, 17:55) | 28 | 99 %
| Crossbeams (Little Killer) by Gliperal (solved on 14. January 2021, 05:39) | 21 | 98 %
| Locust [Kropki Killer Sudoku] by Panthera (solved on 11. January 2021, 06:23) | 29 | 93 %
| Yin-Yang Fillomino by Phistomefel (solved on 11. January 2021, 01:18) | 71 | 98 %
| Nonconsecutive Killer Sudoku by spxtr (solved on 10. January 2021, 17:55) | 87 | 95 %
| Thermo Sudoku by Qodec (solved on 9. January 2021, 05:46) | 69 | 89 %
| Cryptic Nurikabe Python by udukos (solved on 2. January 2021, 18:30) | 16 | 98 %
| The Incredibly Deadly Viper by Panthera (solved on 2. January 2021, 05:04) | 3 | N/A
| Friendly Killer by SlowLarry (solved on 1. January 2021, 23:22) | 70 | 95 %
| Why Can't We Be Friends? by SlowLarry (solved on 1. January 2021, 23:21) | 26 | 98 %
| X-Sum Arrows by Phistomefel (solved on 30. December 2020, 04:10) | 58 | 99 %
| Chaotic Wrogn [Tribute to DiMono] by Undar_Beyond (solved on 30. December 2020, 02:23) | 82 | 99 %