| Description | solved | Rating
| Teilen nach Piratenart by ibag (solved on 6. October 2011, 14:51) | 42 | 80 %
| Toroidal Sudoku III by Richard (solved on 6. October 2011, 08:25) | 56 | 85 %
| Toroidal Sudoku with Renban Groups II by zhergan (solved on 6. October 2011, 08:23) | 53 | 86 %
| Toroidal Sudoku with Renban Groups by zhergan (solved on 5. October 2011, 20:24) | 45 | 88 %
| Türenrätsel im Villaformat by Errorandy (solved on 5. October 2011, 19:32) | 125 | 77 %
| Fastprime Nachbartripel #2 by geophil (solved on 5. October 2011, 18:58) | 24 | 57 %
| Chaos Windoku VI by Richard (solved on 5. October 2011, 15:31) | 93 | 91 %
| Chaos Windoku IV by Richard (solved on 5. October 2011, 15:30) | 81 | 90 %
| Chaos Windoku III by Richard (solved on 5. October 2011, 15:29) | 94 | 88 %
| Chaos Windoku II by Richard (solved on 5. October 2011, 15:28) | 143 | 89 %
| Chaos Windoku I by Richard (solved on 5. October 2011, 15:27) | 159 | 90 %
| Diagonally Non-Consecutive Diagonal Sudoku with Extra Regions by zhergan (solved on 5. October 2011, 07:12) | 61 | 84 %
| Non-Touching Snowflake Sudoku with Renban Groups by zhergan (solved on 5. October 2011, 07:10) | 55 | 77 %
| 291311821 by zhergan (solved on 5. October 2011, 07:03) | 19 | 85 %
| Argyle Sudoku with Extra Regions III by zhergan (solved on 4. October 2011, 20:27) | 62 | 81 %
| Ein Rätselchen über ein Rätselchen by ibag (solved on 4. October 2011, 12:44) | 32 | 72 %
| Argyle-Windoku with Renban Groups by zhergan (solved on 3. October 2011, 22:38) | 65 | 80 %
| Diagonal Sudoku with Extra Regions II by zhergan (solved on 3. October 2011, 22:34) | 67 | 79 %
| Argyle Sudoku with Extra Regions II by zhergan (solved on 3. October 2011, 22:33) | 55 | 77 %
| Argyle Sudoku with Extra Regions by zhergan (solved on 3. October 2011, 22:31) | 76 | 85 %