| Description | solved | Rating
| Lost by Dathan (solved on 21. October 2022, 04:11) | 1362 | 90 %
| Trinudo by CJK (solved on 20. October 2022, 05:42) | 60 | 88 %
| Whisper Renban Fillomino by PjotrV (solved on 20. October 2022, 05:26) | 88 | 93 %
| The Thing by mathpesto (solved on 17. October 2022, 21:09) | 50 | 91 %
| Region X-Sums by twototenth (solved on 11. October 2022, 19:11) | 38 | 92 %
| Extra by zetamath (solved on 4. October 2022, 15:24) | 84 | 96 %
| Messier 43 (Galaxy Region Sum Lines) by purpl (solved on 1. October 2022, 16:18) | 60 | 99 %
| Archers on the Quad by SSG (solved on 21. September 2022, 20:17) | 90 | 96 %
| Erbium - Killer Arrow Sudoku by ___ (solved on 21. September 2022, 02:21) | 31 | 96 %
| Introduction to Compass Fillomino by MagnusJosefsson (solved on 19. September 2022, 21:01) | 82 | 93 %
| Ein echtes Schachsudoku by CJK (solved on 19. September 2022, 00:00) | 66 | 98 %
| Canvas by Crusader175 (solved on 18. September 2022, 21:45) | 18 | 97 %
| Broken Pencil by the_cogito (solved on 17. September 2022, 19:27) | 67 | 97 %
| Chaos FilloSudokumino by MagnusJosefsson (solved on 15. September 2022, 20:07) | 139 | 98 %
| Between Palindropes by thoughtbyte (solved on 12. September 2022, 05:13) | 40 | 95 %
| Collatz's Modifiers by mathpesto (solved on 12. September 2022, 04:16) | 30 | 96 %
| Benefactors by Andrewsarchus (solved on 11. September 2022, 00:41) | 17 | 98 %
| Super Smashboy by mathpesto (solved on 7. September 2022, 22:19) | 57 | 97 %
| Dodekanesos (Sudoku Nurikabe hybrid) by PjotrV (solved on 7. September 2022, 04:57) | 119 | 95 %
| 2many arrows spoil the box by tesseralis (solved on 6. September 2022, 22:08) | 96 | 96 %