Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 10. September 2022, 07:31 Uhr von Andrewsarchus)

Alternate Look:

  • Normal Sudoku rules apply.
  • Benefactor (aka Donor Cell) rules:
    • each row, column, and box contains exactly one benefactor (donor cell), and exactly one beneficiary (receiver cell).
    • In each box the donor cell transfers all of its value to the receiver cell in the same box, so that the donor cell has a value of 0, and the receiver cell has a value which is the sum of the digits of the donor and receiver.
    • Donor cells and receiver cells cannot overlap.
    • No two donor cells may contain the same digit.
    • No two receiver cells may contain the same digit.
  • XV rules:
    • Whenever two adjacent cells sum to a multiple of 5 (taking into account donor/receiver adjustments), the roman numeral representing their sum is shown on the border of the two cells.
      • XXV : sum is 25
      • XX : sum is 20
      • XV : sum is 15
      • X : sum is 10
      • V : sum is 5
    • All possible sums congruent to 0 mod 5 are given.
  • Odd: the gray circle contains an odd value, taking into account donor/receiver adjustments.

Play Online:
   traditional look and feel (Xs and Vs)
    f-puzzles: Benefactors
    ctc: Benefactors

   alternate look and feel (diamonds)
    f-puzzles: Benefactors
    ctc: Benefactors

If you enjoyed this puzzle...

Various puzzles were created by different authors using this ruleset.
Mad-Tyas has suggested the authors mention the name "Nosferatu" on their puzzles page.
Once this has happened, the puzzles can be found using the following search:

Lösungscode: List of all Donor and Receiver cells in order of appearance left-to-right, then top-to-bottom

Zuletzt geändert am 25. November 2024, 08:22 Uhr

Gelöst von Dentones, Leonard Hal, lsw770770, PrimeWeasel, crispy16, cdwg2000, Vebby, Jay Dyer, Mad-Tyas, Cheburashechka, pecert, polar, lepton, h5663454, Canyun, XIAOYING, Komeiji_Carey, steeto
Komplette Liste


am 25. November 2024, 08:10 Uhr von Andrewsarchus
Added comment regarding similar puzzles

am 27. Januar 2023, 11:47 Uhr von pecert
Amazing puzzle. Mad-Tyas, thanks for the recommendation!

am 24. Januar 2023, 18:54 Uhr von Mad-Tyas
Thanks for this amazing puzzle Andrewsarchus!

am 19. September 2022, 03:25 Uhr von Vebby
Brilliant puzzle, loved it!

am 11. September 2022, 00:42 Uhr von crispy16
This is possibly my favorite @Andrewsarchus puzzle ever, and that's saying something!

Bewertung:98 %
Gelöst:18 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal


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