| Description | solved | Rating
| A Fillomino for the Bees by mathpesto (solved on 7. July 2023, 05:37) | 44 | 95 %
| Squeez Theorem (Suguru Deconstruction) by KevinTheMH (solved on 3. July 2023, 01:27) | 25 | 95 %
| Scattered (Negators/Consecutive Pairs/Search Nine) by dumediat (solved on 26. June 2023, 21:05) | 75 | 94 %
| Fishnet by TotallyNormalCat (solved on 24. June 2023, 20:53) | 83 | 97 %
| Confluence by mathpesto (solved on 24. May 2023, 21:12) | 62 | 98 %
| Field Lines by mathpesto (solved on 18. May 2023, 22:46) | 89 | 98 %
| Fillominorinori by mathpesto (solved on 18. May 2023, 20:47) | 75 | 95 %
| Nurikiller by mathpesto (solved on 23. March 2023, 17:52) | 114 | 96 %
| Arromino by mathpesto (solved on 28. February 2023, 01:01) | 107 | 97 %
| Killer Indexers by mathpesto (solved on 11. January 2023, 05:03) | 64 | 93 %
| Fogrotto by mathpesto (solved on 11. January 2023, 04:40) | 180 | 96 %
| Atoll by mathpesto (solved on 11. January 2023, 03:43) | 80 | 95 %
| [Fog of War Series] 10. Sudoku Dungeon by AstralSky (solved on 27. November 2022, 23:19) | 47 | 84 %
| Polyominous by mathpesto (solved on 27. November 2022, 14:56) | 96 | 94 %
| Nothing is Wrogn by Jay Dyer (solved on 21. November 2022, 15:35) | 127 | 95 %
| Aqres of Shikaku Country (9x9) by mathpesto (solved on 2. November 2022, 19:19) | 33 | 98 %
| Bilbo Bobbins Finds A Ring In Middle Earth by fjam (solved on 28. October 2022, 00:35) | 200 | 94 %
| The Angel, Islington by Pallando (solved on 27. October 2022, 16:08) | 88 | 88 %
| Chaos and Order by Raumplaner (solved on 23. October 2022, 19:50) | 55 | 93 %
| Galaxy Parks by jodid (solved on 21. October 2022, 19:36) | 25 | 78 %