| Description | solved | Rating
 | Quicksand by Nordy (solved on 1. March 2023, 06:57) | 214 |  90 %
 | Cul de Sacs by Will Power (solved on 28. February 2023, 20:40) | 82 |  89 %
 | Heating Up by fabianv (solved on 28. February 2023, 02:37) | 58 |  86 %
 | Shatterdance [Classic Sudoku] by wisty (solved on 27. February 2023, 09:03) | 41 |  92 %
 | Thermo Dots / Thermopunkte by PDN777 (solved on 27. February 2023, 04:29) | 152 |  92 %
 | The Eye of Harmony by britboy3456 (solved on 27. February 2023, 03:10) | 86 |  90 %
 | Twist & Shout (Irregular 7x7) by dmcdouga (solved on 27. February 2023, 00:28) | 60 |  90 %
 | Bilbo Bobbins Finds A Ring In Middle Earth by fjam (solved on 26. February 2023, 20:56) | 203 |  94 %
 | Arrr! by Abdul the Killer (solved on 26. February 2023, 19:02) | 62 |  92 %
 | Extreme Jumping by DJV (solved on 26. February 2023, 07:57) | 111 |  89 %
 | Dream Weaver by meggen033 (solved on 25. February 2023, 07:47) | 62 |  92 %