| Description | solved | Rating
 | [159] A Nintendo Classic by W1DEMAN (solved on 23. March 2023, 00:50) | 43 |  92 %
 | Big Pharma by ul-Rhymm (solved on 22. March 2023, 19:06) | 72 |  96 %
 | Heatseekers by Nordy (solved on 22. March 2023, 18:14) | 32 |  94 %
 | Wings by dennischen (solved on 22. March 2023, 00:40) | 171 |  96 %
 | 18 X-Sums by Florian Wortmann (solved on 21. March 2023, 17:41) | 141 |  94 %
 | Breakeven (Yin Yang Parity Sudoku) by Agent (solved on 21. March 2023, 17:41) | 184 |  96 %
 | Palindrome Scratchpad by EricRathbun (solved on 21. March 2023, 14:52) | 49 |  97 %
 | A Knight's Cages by Bother__ (solved on 19. March 2023, 19:00) | 121 |  87 %
 | Disorderly Conduct by Allagem (solved on 19. March 2023, 18:10) | 168 |  96 %
 | Dutch Whisper Sums by yttrio (solved on 19. March 2023, 01:16) | 29 |  85 %
 | Triangular Assassin by Bellsita (solved on 18. March 2023, 22:26) | 277 |  91 %
 | Bismuth (Region Sum Lines, Kropki pairs, Even Squares) by Bellsita (solved on 18. March 2023, 22:14) | 103 |  95 %
 | Bottle Rocket by Jobo (solved on 18. March 2023, 19:26) | 31 |  80 %
 | Quad Box by Ridhwan (solved on 18. March 2023, 15:42) | 148 |  93 %
 | Fadenkreuz by Myxo (solved on 18. March 2023, 13:29) | 173 |  97 %
 | Killer L by AKH (solved on 18. March 2023, 11:41) | 165 |  81 %
 | The Hidden V by Ridhwan (solved on 26. February 2023, 13:17) | 50 |  84 %
 | Icicles by Blobz (solved on 25. February 2023, 21:58) | 127 |  95 %
 | Eye of Agamotto by Allagem (solved on 25. February 2023, 20:35) | 310 |  96 %
 | Sizzling Solo by yttrio (solved on 25. February 2023, 19:16) | 25 |  93 %