Palindrome Scratchpad
(Eingestellt am 20. November 2022, 01:39 Uhr von EricRathbun)
- Normal Sudoku Rules apply.
- Normal Little Killer rules apply.
- Digits separated by a king's move (in chess) do not repeat.
- Digits separated by a white dot have a difference of one. Not all dots are given.
Grey lines are Palindromes that read the same frontwards and backwards. Note: All Palindromes are straight lines without any bends.
The puzzle can be played here:
Hope you enjoy the puzzle. Comments appreciated.
Lösungscode: Top row
Gelöst von lsw770770, nmmc123, panthchesh, Montinox, jalebc, by81996672, 10feet, butch02, SKORP17, AvonD, apendleton, Iluvsodah, Chelo, Gullie, koba1917, KNT, Illuminated, chain.reader, Crul, Julianl, ... Bjd, johnnypinkpants, OGRussHood, Chishiri, SSG, pepe74287, cfop, SudokuHero, dogfarts, flyjim, PippoForte, Uhu, mse326, Cotillion, michaal94, TaeChi, bolado, BenClancy, Jdt112, Bobbobert, finger
Zuletzt geändert am 23. November 2022, 13:22 Uhram 23. November 2022, 08:52 Uhr von Gullie
Another nice one, not too tough. Nice flow, different stages within the puzzle that each use their own combination of constraints. Thanks again for setting!
Response from Eric: You're welcome Gullie. Yes, this one wasn't too tough. Good coloring exercise for beginners.
Zuletzt geändert am 20. November 2022, 21:14 Uhram 20. November 2022, 14:27 Uhr von 10feet
This is a nice introduction for anyone interested in coloring puzzles. The break-in is pretty straightforward, but you still need to work for the full solution.
Response from Eric: Thanks 10feet. Glad you liked it.