| Description | solved | Rating
| That's 3 in the spotlight... by Flinty (solved on 7. October 2023, 16:52) | 325 | 93 %
| 1827 by arbitrary (solved on 7. October 2023, 16:27) | 32 | 88 %
| The King's Garden by Nordy (solved on 7. October 2023, 10:41) | 92 | 97 %
| Not the King's knighted camels by Kirra (solved on 7. October 2023, 01:18) | 203 | 77 %
| From C to C by SSG (solved on 7. October 2023, 01:10) | 159 | 92 %
| Hold the Line by goodcity (solved on 5. October 2023, 04:42) | 10 | N/A
| Entropic Waypoints by CaptZebraCakes (solved on 5. October 2023, 03:46) | 25 | 93 %
| Modular Mirror by RockyRoer (solved on 5. October 2023, 02:37) | 68 | 95 %
| Ferris Wheel by Jobo (solved on 4. October 2023, 13:43) | 111 | 90 %
| Aurora borealis by palpot (solved on 4. October 2023, 13:16) | 169 | 92 %
| Modern Art by Schma (solved on 4. October 2023, 05:38) | 104 | 92 %
| Jester by sdholmes (solved on 2. October 2023, 07:12) | 96 | 86 %
| Winter Dance Puzzle by JohnGisMe (solved on 2. October 2023, 01:01) | 204 | 89 %
| Big Stubby Arrow by Flinty (solved on 2. October 2023, 00:47) | 317 | 92 %
| Lines in the Fog by apete (solved on 1. October 2023, 20:47) | 232 | 93 %
| Blueberry Crop in the Fog by olima (solved on 1. October 2023, 19:40) | 608 | 91 %
| Between Clouds (Fog of War, Sandwich) by lepton (solved on 25. September 2023, 01:59) | 474 | 91 %
| Into Darkness by lepton (solved on 25. September 2023, 01:21) | 551 | 91 %
| Frog of War by SeveNateNine (solved on 24. September 2023, 23:16) | 79 | 89 %
| Candlemas by olima (solved on 24. September 2023, 22:20) | 139 | 91 %