Sudoku: Fülle die Zahlen 1-9 in jede Reihe, Spalte und 3x3-Box.
Thermometer: Entlang von Thermometern müssen die Ziffern vom Kolben zur Spitze strikt aufsteigend sein.
Entropie: Die niedrigen Ziffern (1, 2, 3), mittleren Ziffern (4, 5, 6) und hohen Ziffern (7, 8, 9) werden als drei verschiedene Gruppen definiert. Im fertigen Raster muss jede 2x2-Box mindestens eine Ziffer jeder Gruppe enthalten.
Viel Spaß beim Lösen!
Lösungscode: Zeile 9 gefolgt von Spalte 9 (18 Ziffern)
am 23. November 2022, 04:29 Uhr von snoswal
I love how these constraints combine! Thank you for making such a wonderful puzzle!
am 9. November 2022, 23:39 Uhr von Krokant
I really enjoy the entropy cpnstraint when it applies to the entire puzzle. That was not easy, but a lot of fun. :)
am 9. November 2022, 18:34 Uhr von m0rkoli
I think it took more time to complete this, than it should... Well more time to enjoy this wonderful puzzle!
am 8. November 2022, 21:24 Uhr von Raumplaner
This one was quite challenging for me - but super rewarding to figure it out in the end. Another great Entropy puzzle!
am 8. November 2022, 19:03 Uhr von apendleton
I love these entropy-grid puzzles! They seem to exercise a part of my brain that other sudokus don't.
-Reply: I'm very pleased to read, that you enjoy the constraint.
Dividing the grid into three groups ro fulfill the constraint is like an own puzzle type.
am 8. November 2022, 16:58 Uhr von Snookerfan
Great puzzle, I find these 2 x 2 entropy puzzles always very hard, but also very rewarding. I hope to discover more basic logic to apply to them in the future, so it becomes a little bit easier. Thank you!
-Reply: Thank you for your comment! Always a pleasure to read that someone enjoys the constraint. It's much about recognizing certain patterns and learning what they force.
With some practice some steps will become natural and can be applied in every entropy puzzle.
am 8. November 2022, 14:10 Uhr von OutOfMyMindBRB
That was very enjoyable - great puzzle, as usual - thanks :-)
-Reply: Thank you for your kind comment! I'm glad you enjoyed the puzzle :-)