| Description | solved | Rating
 | Seven Wonders by JR_pianoman (solved on 7. May 2024, 19:59) | 671 |  90 %
 | Shrek by Will Power (solved on 5. May 2024, 13:11) | 239 |  94 %
 | LM24-Quali Fingerübung 2: Kuromasu by lupo (solved on 5. May 2024, 07:22) | 48 |  86 %
 | LM24-Quali Fingerübung 10: Belarusian Snake by lupo (solved on 4. May 2024, 22:15) | 32 |  88 %
 | Hot Coffee Ring [Thermo, Quadrupule, Between Lines, Renban] by fractalJim (solved on 4. May 2024, 16:24) | 177 |  93 %
 | Region Sum Conflict (Fog, Region Sum Lines) by Chilly (solved on 4. May 2024, 10:07) | 214 |  95 %
 | Diamond Arrows by ademjaz (solved on 4. May 2024, 00:28) | 123 |  97 %
 | Killer Sudoku: High Impact by Playmaker6174 (solved on 3. May 2024, 23:52) | 273 |  96 %
 | Kitchen Sink in the Fog by meggen033 (solved on 3. May 2024, 15:13) | 313 |  92 %
 | Just Thermos by Biscuit (solved on 3. May 2024, 10:52) | 157 |  88 %
 | Skyspotting Snack by Teal (solved on 2. May 2024, 21:15) | 234 |  93 %
 | People in Glass Houses... by timotab (solved on 2. May 2024, 21:10) | 233 |  91 %
 | Meteor Shower by Jobo (solved on 1. May 2024, 08:59) | 144 |  86 %
 | Final Candidate by CaptZebraCakes (solved on 30. April 2024, 23:21) | 247 |  88 %
 | Thermoren by ark29 (solved on 30. April 2024, 03:41) | 185 |  86 %
 | Diagonal Dots by ChinStrap (solved on 29. April 2024, 10:14) | 464 |  92 %
 | Sticks and Stones by The Bard (solved on 28. April 2024, 23:20) | 109 |  93 %
 | Thermometerkiller by psninn (solved on 28. April 2024, 12:21) | 96 |  87 %
 | Simple but Effective by The Bard (solved on 27. April 2024, 23:35) | 323 |  93 %
 | Whisper Through the Fog by meggen033 (solved on 27. April 2024, 22:57) | 790 |  92 %