| Description | solved | Rating
 | Spectrum [Four Color Theorem Fillomino] by MicroStudy (solved on 6. July 2023, 00:13) | 130 |  97 %
 | Pentomino Aquarium by RockyRoer (solved on 4. July 2023, 01:14) | 53 |  95 %
 | Bridges and Fillings by mathpesto (solved on 30. June 2023, 23:23) | 135 |  95 %
 | Kakuro Loop by Genomico (solved on 8. June 2023, 17:39) | 97 |  97 %
 | Miami by zetamath (solved on 30. May 2023, 08:31) | 51 |  100 %
 | Constructing a Murder Scene - Chaos Construction (Killer) by Mr.Menace (solved on 13. May 2023, 23:12) | 81 |  97 %
 | Serial Number (6x6 Sudoku, Renban) by kinnison (solved on 11. May 2023, 20:05) | 171 |  86 %
 | Fillomino Yajilin (10x10) by ns08 (solved on 9. May 2023, 22:01) | 23 |  95 %
 | Fillomino U-Bahn by KNT (solved on 8. May 2023, 19:11) | 54 |  100 %
 | Introduction to Compass Fillomino by MagnusJosefsson (solved on 5. May 2023, 23:46) | 85 |  94 %
 | Chequered Arromino #1 by Phistomefel (solved on 3. May 2023, 09:21) | 118 |  93 %
 | Castle Wall Fillomino by Agent (solved on 2. May 2023, 21:37) | 60 |  97 %
 | Denver by zetamath (solved on 30. April 2023, 23:18) | 96 |  98 %
 | Sashigane Sudoku by Ambrose (solved on 22. March 2023, 00:01) | 68 |  96 %
 | High Ground (Nurikabe Arrow Sudoku) by Agent (solved on 28. February 2023, 23:36) | 142 |  97 %
 | Record Highs by ViKingPrime (solved on 26. February 2023, 00:22) | 592 |  93 %
 | Stretching Squares (Killer thermo sudoku) by Ambrose (solved on 2. February 2023, 04:08) | 177 |  96 %
 | Swirl by zetamath (solved on 1. February 2023, 00:08) | 301 |  95 %
 | MP: Region Sum Lines Fillomino by Myxo (solved on 29. January 2023, 21:29) | 42 |  98 %
 | Yin Yang Renban by Dag H (solved on 27. January 2023, 05:56) | 146 |  95 %