| Description | solved | Rating
 | Circus Tricks by Dr Logic (solved on 30. August 2024, 13:13) | 207 |  93 %
 | Bobbins! by Will Power (solved on 30. August 2024, 12:42) | 515 |  91 %
 | Spot The Killer (Fog) by Flinty (solved on 29. August 2024, 14:39) | 1010 |  92 %
 | A Room Full of Perfect Tens by Will Power (solved on 28. August 2024, 17:28) | 392 |  91 %
 | A Coloring Conundrum by lapazhu (solved on 26. August 2024, 14:03) | 717 |  92 %
 | Rounding the Bases by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 25. August 2024, 19:03) | 314 |  94 %
 | German Beetles by NotSoMagnifique (solved on 25. August 2024, 15:47) | 454 |  92 %
 | 1248 Twelve! by RedBarchetta (solved on 25. August 2024, 15:26) | 389 |  92 %
 | Kropki Paperclip by Tingo (solved on 24. August 2024, 19:44) | 437 |  92 %
 | Milky Way by meggen033 (solved on 24. August 2024, 18:48) | 501 |  92 %
 | Whispers in the Fog by meggen033 (solved on 23. August 2024, 22:53) | 790 |  92 %
 | Just Kropkis by Hugo-Bob (solved on 23. August 2024, 22:25) | 584 |  92 %
 | Seven Wonders by JR_pianoman (solved on 23. August 2024, 21:48) | 671 |  90 %
 | Boxed In by rasdasd (solved on 5. November 2023, 10:07) | 165 |  92 %
 | Three Hidden Lakes (Nala’s Adventures #9) by SandraNala (solved on 4. November 2023, 13:29) | 585 |  94 %
 | Turn up the Volume by Rhyno (solved on 3. November 2023, 10:19) | 172 |  92 %
 | Several Clues Nicely Arranged / Mehrere Hinweise schön arrangiert by PDN777 (solved on 2. November 2023, 17:31) | 331 |  91 %
 | Tingo's 50th! by Tingo (solved on 31. October 2023, 14:26) | 830 |  91 %
 | Mitochondria by Scojo (solved on 31. October 2023, 13:37) | 979 |  90 %
 | Thermometer Antlers by EFlatMinor (solved on 31. October 2023, 12:22) | 397 |  90 %