| Description | solved | Rating
| Chackstones (XVXV/Kropki pairs/X-sums) by dumediat (solved on 1. May 2024, 15:23) | 35 | 92 %
| Chinese Takeaway (Yin Yang Killer) by BenTen (solved on 28. April 2024, 03:29) | 140 | 97 %
| A Whole Bunch of Nonsense by Myxo (solved on 28. April 2024, 01:19) | 65 | 97 %
| Zwillinge by Myxo (solved on 27. April 2024, 16:24) | 115 | 95 %
| 4949 by riffclown (solved on 27. April 2024, 15:16) | 152 | 94 %
| J.O.E. by JayForty (solved on 24. April 2024, 22:06) | 84 | 97 %
| J.O.E. 3 - The pre-prequel by JayForty (solved on 24. April 2024, 16:08) | 173 | 95 %
| Chosen Ones by Black_Doom (solved on 22. April 2024, 18:03) | 42 | 94 %
| Quadrilateral by jwsinclair (solved on 22. April 2024, 16:48) | 90 | 99 %
| The Usurper by KMD (solved on 20. April 2024, 15:28) | 51 | 96 %
| Combinatorial tree by egubachu (solved on 18. April 2024, 15:55) | 28 | 90 %
| Duplicates Somedoku by blackjackfitz (solved on 17. April 2024, 15:50) | 134 | 98 %
| Broken Triangles Somedoku by blackjackfitz (solved on 16. April 2024, 20:46) | 84 | 93 %
| Linedance Somedoku by blackjackfitz (solved on 16. April 2024, 18:05) | 120 | 94 %
| Close Enough by IcyFruit (solved on 12. April 2024, 15:01) | 117 | 97 %
| Benebelte Nachbarschaft (FOW) by Myxo (solved on 11. April 2024, 17:04) | 319 | 96 %
| That's [redacted] in the Corner (fog puzzle) by jwsinclair (solved on 11. April 2024, 14:43) | 1238 | 92 %
| Lost by Dathan (solved on 11. April 2024, 14:25) | 1362 | 90 %
| Surrounded by vitaminz (solved on 11. April 2024, 13:53) | 58 | 88 %
| Quad Code by marty_sears (solved on 10. April 2024, 20:47) | 384 | 98 %