| Description | solved | Rating
 | LIFE is a game by Zombie Hunter (solved on 10. April 2023, 08:53) | 14 |  88 %
 | XV German Whispers VX / XV Deutsches Flüstern VX by Zombie Hunter (solved on 15. March 2023, 23:05) | 5 |  N/A
 | BAD Values Snooker by Zombie Hunter (solved on 26. February 2023, 12:13) | 17 |  95 %
 | [Fog of War Series] 6.Self-Exclusion by AstralSky (solved on 16. November 2022, 21:21) | 47 |  72 %
 | XV Schrödinger VX by Zombie Hunter (solved on 8. November 2022, 06:23) | 1 |  N/A
 | The Horse Whisperer / der Pferdeflüsterer by Zombie Hunter (solved on 1. November 2022, 05:07) | 25 |  90 %
 | XV Nurikabe VX by Zombie Hunter (solved on 31. October 2022, 21:48) | 1 |  N/A
 | XV Doubler VX by Zombie Hunter (solved on 23. October 2022, 00:05) | 3 |  N/A
 | XV Equal Sums VX by Zombie Hunter (solved on 17. October 2022, 03:55) | 8 |  N/A
 | Three in the spotlight by Fool on Hill (solved on 23. September 2022, 10:06) | 24 |  93 %