| Description | solved | Rating
| Chaos Karussell I by Luigi (solved on 15. October 2011, 14:18) | 192 | 81 %
| Was sind das? by CHalb (solved on 14. October 2011, 20:47) | 20 | 94 %
| und.... was ist das dann? by Luigi (solved on 8. October 2011, 13:01) | 19 | 75 %
| Masterword für Skatfreunde III by HaSe (solved on 7. May 2011, 20:52) | 50 | 73 %
| Masterword für Skatfreunde I by HaSe (solved on 7. May 2011, 20:41) | 65 | 75 %
| Die VIP-Zahlengruppe by Errorandy (solved on 29. April 2011, 21:49) | 63 | 55 %
| The sequence of Sheffield by Eisbär (solved on 26. April 2011, 20:22) | 70 | 53 %
| Teamwettbewerb 2011: Akustik-Rätsel (Runde 3) by berni (solved on 31. March 2011, 16:47) | 20 | 87 %
| Teamwettbewerb 2011: Rätselstern (Runde 1) by SilBer (solved on 31. March 2011, 16:36) | 62 | 97 %
| Auf Irrwegen by Luigi (solved on 27. March 2011, 19:35) | 23 | 70 %
| Herzlichen Glückwunsch! by Statistica (solved on 27. March 2011, 19:33) | 83 | 81 %
| Hochhausblöcke by CHalb (solved on 6. March 2011, 15:57) | 140 | 96 %
| Hochhausblöcke III: Knapp daneben by CHalb (solved on 6. March 2011, 14:42) | 60 | 95 %
| Variables Masyu by CHalb (solved on 6. March 2011, 14:41) | 89 | 89 %
| Rundwegstapel by Micha (solved on 22. January 2011, 13:24) | 88 | 98 %
| Fillomino 2011 by uvo (solved on 6. January 2011, 08:46) | 234 | 76 %
| Combination Tapa by yureklis (solved on 1. January 2011, 21:29) | 110 | 96 %
| Zwei Rundwege aufeinander by Micha (solved on 31. December 2010, 19:16) | 45 | 98 %
| 23:58 III by Le Ahcim (solved on 19. December 2010, 17:05) | 19 | 72 %
| Unique sequences by relzzup (solved on 19. December 2010, 00:32) | 33 | 85 %