| Description | solved | Rating
| Multiplarrows - New Fun Variant! by purpl (solved on 10. October 2021, 20:01) | 46 | 92 %
| Dallas by ICHTUES (solved on 10. October 2021, 19:54) | 80 | 96 %
| Concordia by Bremster (solved on 9. October 2021, 20:04) | 254 | 84 %
| Happy Zeroth, ESJ! by twototenth (solved on 9. October 2021, 19:57) | 80 | 91 %
| Twelve Blank Cages by Scruffamudda (solved on 9. October 2021, 02:56) | 76 | 97 %
| Vortex by XeonRisq (solved on 9. October 2021, 01:44) | 21 | 95 %
| Anti-King Killer by ICHTUES (solved on 9. October 2021, 01:25) | 82 | 92 %
| Archer's Heart by SudokuExplorer (solved on 9. October 2021, 00:57) | 46 | 98 %
| Kropki's Pyramid by TheRiddler (solved on 8. October 2021, 23:25) | 41 | 89 %
| Battle With The Archers 19: War Games by Playmaker6174 (solved on 8. October 2021, 23:10) | 35 | 95 %
| Tumblers (Lockout, Whisper, Ambiguity) by riffclown (solved on 8. October 2021, 20:28) | 34 | 96 %
| Disjoint 258 Sudoku by Qodec (solved on 8. October 2021, 20:27) | 58 | 95 %
| Bonhomme by Joseph nehme (solved on 8. October 2021, 20:10) | 80 | 90 %
| Rumors (German Whispers) by tallcat (solved on 8. October 2021, 19:37) | 149 | 98 %
| Fishy Thermos by tsc (solved on 8. October 2021, 06:26) | 33 | 88 %
| M-Killer by Emphyrio (solved on 8. October 2021, 00:19) | 39 | 90 %
| Killer Cave by udukos (solved on 7. October 2021, 22:42) | 54 | 99 %
| X-Sum Thing Good to Eat by SSG (solved on 7. October 2021, 19:29) | 25 | 90 %
| Beats by fuxia (solved on 7. October 2021, 17:55) | 34 | 90 %
| I Chased a Polecat Up a Tree (Inequality Series #5) by twototenth (solved on 6. October 2021, 23:36) | 27 | 93 %