Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Happy Zeroth, ESJ!

(Eingestellt am 9. Oktober 2021, 16:07 Uhr von twototenth)

In honor of my new nephew, who is one week old as of today.

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Digits in cages must add to the total given in the top-left corner; digits may not repeat within a cage. The gray fortress cells must obey the indicated inequalities with regard to the orthogonally adjacent cells.

F-puzzles link

Lösungscode: Row 6 followed by column 6, no spaces

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von idanz, bbplayer, SKORP17, djorr, Calvinball, Uhu, OhHeyGuysItsMax, PulverizingPancake, weiken, Marcos, FlutterByNumbers, CastleSheepside, marcmees, DanMeehan, norbijunior, Nairi, vmirandaa, butch02, ... zhergan, ImMitchell, PleaseIgnore, gbrooks3, flo_310, ParaNox, geronimo92, Crul, Corey115, ako, Vebby, bolado, lutzreimer, zrbakhtiar, pepe74287, Carolin, asii, Just me, rav, augsod, PinkNickels
Komplette Liste


am 10. Oktober 2021, 13:22 Uhr von abed hawila
Very cool and smooth!

am 10. Oktober 2021, 00:37 Uhr von gamlesvarten
Lovely puzzle, hope your nephew gets to solve it one day!

Bewertung:91 %
Gelöst:80 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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