| Description | solved | Rating
| Centipede by Blobz (solved on 25. June 2024, 01:42) | 271 | 93 %
| Medieval Upheaval by Nordy (solved on 19. July 2023, 18:40) | 71 | 98 %
| Network by Niverio (solved on 19. February 2023, 02:22) | 65 | 97 %
| Conspiracy by starwarigami (solved on 28. August 2022, 21:31) | 22 | 91 %
| Corrupted Cages by crispy16 (solved on 27. August 2022, 20:06) | 61 | 95 %
| Kropki-cycle by tesseralis (solved on 30. July 2022, 00:35) | 19 | 100 %
| Quietly Bending Time (Thermo/German Whispers/Renban/Disjoint Groups) by dumediat (solved on 29. July 2022, 23:58) | 26 | 89 %
| Chaos Construction: X-Sums by KNT (solved on 23. July 2022, 19:48) | 125 | 96 %
| ew by mathpesto (solved on 11. July 2022, 23:42) | 62 | 96 %
| Primesweeper: Districts by Andrewsarchus (solved on 10. July 2022, 23:06) | 22 | 87 %
| Saturn's Moons by cristophermoore (solved on 11. June 2022, 16:52) | 64 | 100 %
| Spotting the 8 ball (Neighbor Sums) by riffclown (solved on 28. May 2022, 00:18) | 107 | 95 %
| Tales of Brave Ulysses by mith (solved on 18. May 2022, 02:41) | 144 | 93 %
| Snapshot (XV Whispers X) by thoughtbyte (solved on 17. May 2022, 16:49) | 17 | 90 %
| Surrounded Bunker by Will Power (solved on 17. May 2022, 15:52) | 301 | 90 %
| Innovation (Ultimate Least Loved Arrow) by purpl (solved on 17. May 2022, 03:14) | 56 | 93 %
| Progress by grkles (solved on 15. May 2022, 20:43) | 148 | 98 %
| Palindlong by lost creativity (solved on 15. May 2022, 18:19) | 68 | 89 %
| Leftover Goodies - A 9x9 Remainder Sudoku by Playmaker6174 (solved on 10. April 2022, 23:24) | 52 | 94 %
| Thermo variant #26: Maximal Thermos 3: Stubs by djorr (solved on 28. February 2022, 01:40) | 30 | 82 %