| Description | solved | Rating
| (Just Anti-Knight) ⟶ JAK-1 by Stargazing Albatross (solved on 7. March 2023, 13:22) | 195 | 89 %
| Spaghetti Thermometer by Trik126 (solved on 2. March 2023, 09:55) | 96 | 79 %
| Forgotten Realms by Polycarp (solved on 1. March 2023, 11:22) | 73 | 88 %
| Sailing with the pirates by sujoyku (solved on 28. February 2023, 13:56) | 255 | 87 %
| Riptides by shinggaming (solved on 26. February 2023, 18:24) | 177 | 92 %
| Xclusive Knights 6 by Blobz (solved on 26. February 2023, 16:43) | 219 | 93 %
| Slow Global Warming Warning by Will Power (solved on 26. February 2023, 16:17) | 217 | 83 %
| Eye of Agamotto by Allagem (solved on 26. February 2023, 16:03) | 267 | 96 %
| Determined Romans (fog of war, XV, determinants) by alhobj (solved on 26. February 2023, 15:33) | 320 | 88 %
| All The King's Archers by Tingo (solved on 22. February 2023, 13:40) | 152 | 89 %
| 8x8 XV-constraint Sudoku by sujoyku (solved on 21. February 2023, 20:43) | 105 | 83 %
| The Knight Who Says Meh by Tingo (solved on 21. February 2023, 20:24) | 89 | 88 %
| Negativity by DylanD (solved on 21. February 2023, 18:47) | 146 | 93 %
| I Love You and Sudoku by Kirra (solved on 21. February 2023, 18:28) | 619 | 76 %
| Between Clouds (Fog of War, Sandwich) by lepton (solved on 20. February 2023, 14:47) | 474 | 91 %
| Record Highs by ViKingPrime (solved on 17. February 2023, 07:22) | 555 | 93 %
| Into Darkness by lepton (solved on 16. February 2023, 17:15) | 551 | 91 %
| Gain Balance (Balance gewinnen) by Will Power (solved on 16. February 2023, 09:39) | 189 | 91 %
| Biking uphill by Testarossa (solved on 16. February 2023, 09:38) | 199 | 88 %
| Orange Juice by thoughtbyte (solved on 16. February 2023, 09:37) | 202 | 92 %