Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Steamy Secrets

(Eingestellt am 28. September 2023, 18:53 Uhr von Flinty)

Normal Sudoku and Standard Variant Rules Apply.

German Whispers
Adjacent digits along a Green line must differ by at least 5.

Digits along a thermometer must increase starting at the bulb.

Cells on a Purple line consist of a set of consecutive numbers in any order.

Killer Cages
Digits in a cage sum to the clue given in the top left corner. Digits cannot repeat within a cage.

CTC Link

Lösungscode: All nine digits from Row 1.

Zuletzt geändert am 5. Oktober 2023, 15:43 Uhr

Gelöst von raylangivens, lmdemasi, SKORP17, Fizz, AdamGaffney96, gnilling, gotem, wentel21, tiuhto, jcelia, PinkNickels, sdholmes, ludvigr04, LehanLehan, pookster, Solved647, benny, Kenji769, ... Archon, naggy, aerithtransport, AlexanderRichards, Javier Rebottaro, xtmacxattack, Vegan_warior, DylanRay, Gnubeutel, Kachow, mbaaz, Swesie, widjo, ArmagedDan, gollum999, Jowser, dielilla, kipcool
Komplette Liste


am 12. Juni 2024, 23:46 Uhr von wuc
Great break in. Cool puzzle thx.

am 18. März 2024, 09:30 Uhr von cozoq
Looks complicated but is very approachable. Nice puzzle!

Zuletzt geändert am 29. September 2023, 14:39 Uhr

am 29. September 2023, 14:39 Uhr von Snaques
Very nice. I think this is a prime example of a 1 star puzzle and how you can make something both interesting and approachable at the same time.

am 29. September 2023, 14:24 Uhr von One Eyed Man
What a great puzzle, very enjoyable solve. Flows really nicely around the grid. Thank you for sharing

am 29. September 2023, 11:51 Uhr von Flinty
(Setter) Thank you so much for the positive feedback. :)

am 29. September 2023, 11:42 Uhr von abadx
Nice work, an excellent example of a 1 star puzzle. Thanks

am 28. September 2023, 22:37 Uhr von Ragna
Fun puzzle. Good flow. Super debut! Congrats. :-)

am 28. September 2023, 21:23 Uhr von sujoyku
Thank you for this fun puzzle, Flinty! The solve felt really smooth. Thank you for setting and sharing!

am 28. September 2023, 19:52 Uhr von sdholmes
All the constraints fit together very nicely and it practically fills itself in!

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:408 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal


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