| Description | solved | Rating
| Disjointed Barrage by MrMusAddict (solved on 5. October 2021, 10:22) | 18 | 92 %
| The Ugly Skull by rmahus (solved on 4. October 2021, 22:33) | 103 | 85 %
| Thermo variant #13: Adiabatic by djorr (solved on 4. October 2021, 20:21) | 103 | 93 %
| Another Brick in the Wall by Arabus (solved on 4. October 2021, 13:30) | 61 | 88 %
| Ejection by Bremster (solved on 4. October 2021, 09:20) | 253 | 78 %
| Magical Rose by Nahileon (solved on 2. October 2021, 22:04) | 172 | 98 %
| Difference Camps by Scruffamudda (solved on 1. October 2021, 09:37) | 129 | 90 %
| Hovercar by Xailran (solved on 30. September 2021, 21:29) | 101 | 88 %
| Mini-Max XV by gReinares (solved on 30. September 2021, 16:13) | 71 | 84 %
| Thermal Scope (thermometer + even sudoku) (by Aspartagcus and Qodec) by Aspartagcus (solved on 30. September 2021, 15:46) | 129 | 96 %
| Black Diamond by twototenth (solved on 28. September 2021, 12:56) | 44 | 92 %
| Anti-Freeze by starwarigami (solved on 28. September 2021, 10:41) | 45 | 82 %
| Diagonal Regions (Sudoku) by PDN777 (solved on 27. September 2021, 09:42) | 103 | 88 %
| Forcing it - (Least Loved Arrow Series) by purpl (solved on 24. September 2021, 19:14) | 208 | 89 %
| Assassin 6 by ndsurgenor (solved on 24. September 2021, 12:22) | 68 | 84 %
| XV Whispers (Sudoku) by PDN777 (solved on 23. September 2021, 22:04) | 170 | 88 %
| Unique Dominoes (4x4) by hexadoodle (solved on 23. September 2021, 13:39) | 1024 | 73 %
| 159 Shards by Qodec (solved on 22. September 2021, 20:38) | 83 | 92 %
| DVD Box Set by esotericVideos (solved on 22. September 2021, 12:35) | 142 | 77 %
| Poison Picnic 3: Hospital Stay (LK and sandwich combined clues) by Chilly (solved on 21. September 2021, 13:33) | 84 | 85 %