(Eingestellt am 4. Oktober 2021, 03:58 Uhr von Bremster)
This puzzle was created as a beginner exercise in scanning and basic killer techniques.
- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- In cages, digits must sum to the number in the top left corner of the cage.
Links to online solving tools
Lösungscode: Column 8
Gelöst von vmirandaa, cdwg2000, jchan18, Pruz, Cowbear, stone50, PulverizingPancake, apendleton, Cane_Puzzles, djorr, rugbyrefmd, Marcos, weiken, saskia-daniela, cegie, skywalker, BlackApolloX, Matti64, ... Krisonium, Javier Rebottaro, MysticMan, koiking, humaLautema, ChampionAsh5357, Drawoon, RussKozerski, YumiLyx, vexillophilia, phs, Puzzle Weasel, neinina98, tgstar, The Bard, tkrahn98, wildstarjl