| Description | solved | Rating
 | Color Galaxies (12x12) by Ambrose (solved on 17. December 2022, 13:03) | 61 |  91 %
 | Juni Domino Monat (2) - Hochhausdomino by Richard (solved on 17. December 2022, 12:22) | 51 |  96 %
 | Coded Tetrominos 3 by Richard (solved on 16. December 2022, 09:42) | 75 |  82 %
 | Bosnian Road II by Richard (solved on 16. December 2022, 08:49) | 116 |  82 %
 | Bosnian Road by Richard (solved on 16. December 2022, 08:45) | 131 |  87 %
 | Wall by Richard (solved on 15. December 2022, 19:47) | 100 |  82 %
 | LooppooL 2 by CHalb (solved on 15. December 2022, 18:55) | 28 |  99 %
 | DTGT Leftover (V) - Pentomino in the Box by Richard (solved on 15. December 2022, 18:15) | 85 |  93 %
 | Loop Aquarium by wooferzfg (solved on 15. December 2022, 14:13) | 43 |  99 %
 | Even Slitherlink by SudokuExplorer (solved on 15. December 2022, 01:21) | 50 |  92 %
 | Suguru Chaos Deconstruction: Solo Little Killers by crispy16 (solved on 15. December 2022, 00:47) | 69 |  100 %
 | November Stadtbau Monat (5) - Japanische Summen by Richard (solved on 14. December 2022, 09:53) | 72 |  90 %
 | Blackout Domino (2) by Richard (solved on 14. December 2022, 09:16) | 86 |  91 %
 | Pentomino in the Box by Richard (solved on 13. December 2022, 17:00) | 75 |  91 %
 | DTGT Leftover (II) - Easy as ABC - No Touch by Richard (solved on 13. December 2022, 16:44) | 98 |  92 %
 | Ninja Knights by Raumplaner (solved on 13. December 2022, 16:17) | 10 |  85 %
 | Knapp-Daneben-Yagit by CJK (solved on 13. December 2022, 08:31) | 18 |  93 %
 | Suguru Chaos Deconstruction: Quadruples by Niverio (solved on 12. December 2022, 16:47) | 89 |  98 %
 | March Pentomino Month (4) - PenTotal by Richard (solved on 12. December 2022, 09:20) | 57 |  93 %
 | 红葉puzzles(PP40): Slitherlink007 by cdwg2000 (solved on 11. December 2022, 02:04) | 41 |  86 %