| Description | solved | Rating
| Two Gates by Qodec (solved on 16. June 2023, 01:39) | 70 | 99 %
| I wish thermo was not needed [Antiknight Killer Sudoku] by ogi.djukovic (solved on 16. June 2023, 00:45) | 53 | 90 %
| Ren Ban Sandwich Sudoku by RockyRoer (solved on 13. June 2023, 01:50) | 83 | 97 %
| Escape the Vortex Redux by Oddlyeven (solved on 4. June 2023, 02:18) | 49 | 94 %
| Hidden Arrows by manushand (solved on 4. June 2023, 00:54) | 23 | 95 %
| Anti-Knight Arrows by ExFalsoQuodlibet (solved on 3. June 2023, 22:54) | 68 | 94 %
| Reinbaw Spaghetti by lepton (solved on 1. June 2023, 01:18) | 67 | 93 %
| Region Sums Sandwich by RockyRoer (solved on 31. May 2023, 06:21) | 32 | 95 %
| Bits and Bolts by markdsilver (solved on 29. May 2023, 01:38) | 71 | 93 %
| Renban Anti-Knight by PDN777 (solved on 27. May 2023, 00:57) | 100 | 85 %
| Moonlit Deer by heliopolix (solved on 26. May 2023, 07:02) | 55 | 88 %
| Sharpshooter V by Leyrann (solved on 26. May 2023, 06:02) | 30 | 90 %
| Nonconsecutive X-Sums by Alexander Rappa (solved on 3. May 2023, 01:47) | 72 | 93 %
| 12 12 by Florian Wortmann (solved on 2. May 2023, 01:33) | 252 | 95 %
| Snakes & Ladders (Renban + German Whispers) by purpl (solved on 2. May 2023, 01:15) | 40 | 96 %
| Trek To The Mountains by Scruffamudda (solved on 24. April 2023, 01:03) | 61 | 92 %
| Awkward Spiders by Polycarp (solved on 9. April 2023, 10:03) | 64 | 92 %
| Snapshot by jwsinclair (solved on 6. April 2023, 19:39) | 137 | 94 %
| Unpredictable Housing Conditions by rockratzero (solved on 3. April 2023, 03:53) | 136 | 97 %
| Killer Quiver by MrMercurial (solved on 1. April 2023, 08:31) | 58 | 91 %