| Description | solved | Rating
| Alternating Current by Raumplaner (solved on 5. February 2022, 05:18) | 151 | 95 %
| Knighthood by Hecspeed (solved on 1. February 2022, 15:18) | 28 | 92 %
| Picnic? by LittleMLO (solved on 24. January 2022, 11:08) | 35 | 82 %
| The Duel by Joseph nehme (solved on 21. January 2022, 23:30) | 77 | 94 %
| Twelfth Knight by FullDeck (solved on 13. January 2022, 16:35) | 114 | 91 %
| X Dots by Nahileon (solved on 12. January 2022, 02:31) | 72 | 96 %
| Con / Non-Con by PDN777 (solved on 10. January 2022, 08:13) | 111 | 92 %
| Magic Jousting by Sillvva (solved on 8. January 2022, 22:24) | 141 | 81 %
| Diplomatic Immunity by Gankra (solved on 7. January 2022, 06:48) | 19 | 91 %
| Origami by Crusader175 (solved on 5. January 2022, 18:06) | 17 | 87 %
| Kropped to Fit by SSG (solved on 4. January 2022, 01:54) | 42 | 88 %
| Tabula Rasa by apete (solved on 3. January 2022, 10:22) | 44 | 92 %
| The Miracle of Entropy by SimiC (solved on 31. December 2021, 08:31) | 121 | 96 %
| Hourglass (Arrows, Kropki, and German Whispers) by ExFalsoQuodlibet (solved on 30. December 2021, 04:05) | 81 | 90 %
| Fondue by Florian Wortmann (solved on 27. December 2021, 07:09) | 129 | 97 %
| Zelda Triforce by ccotreau (solved on 26. December 2021, 05:32) | 140 | 89 %
| Killer Lines / Killerlinien (Sudoku) by PDN777 (solved on 26. December 2021, 03:53) | 96 | 92 %
| Killer Sudoku by Jeet Sampat (solved on 25. December 2021, 17:08) | 95 | 87 %
| Targeted Totals by manushand (solved on 24. December 2021, 23:53) | 277 | 93 %
| Dahlia by vidarino (solved on 24. December 2021, 06:22) | 94 | 93 %