Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Start With 1, Not 0!

(Eingestellt am 27. Februar 2022, 09:37 Uhr von Jakhob)

Normal Sudoku rules apply,

Digits in cages must sum to the total in the top left corner of the cage.

In column 1 the digits tell what column the 1 is placed in that row. For example if R1C1 is a 4 then R1C4 is a 1. The same applies for the digits 5 and 9 in columns 5 and 9 respectively.

Play on F-Puzzles

Play on CtC

Lösungscode: Row 6 and Row 8

Gelöst von wooferzfg, Notlob, obi, IAM3, Raistlen, Simpall1, Crul, matiasv5, jalebc, SKORP17, Tobias, AN_not_IO, RickHoffman, root_vegetable, brandon_bot, jchan18, misko, wilsig, Uhu, CastleSheepside, Quacks, ... twototenth, Mr.CHEN, OGRussHood, Mikemerin, chain.reader, Montinox, pepe74287, wisty, zrbakhtiar, SXH, gReinares, Carolin, mattnburris, itsagift, Flycatcher, dingledork, zhergan, asii
Komplette Liste


am 16. Dezember 2022, 14:56 Uhr von chain.reader
This was a challenging but great grid.

am 5. Juni 2022, 20:19 Uhr von josemadre
Fantastic puzzle!

am 28. Februar 2022, 20:24 Uhr von taylorsc
Very fun! I really enjoyed solving that one.

am 27. Februar 2022, 12:52 Uhr von obi
enjoyed this very much!

Bewertung:91 %
Gelöst:91 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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