| Description | solved | Rating
 | α-Centaurid Meteor Shower by manushand (solved on 9. February 2022, 21:12) | 41 |  88 %
 | Meteōra by Arlo Lipof (solved on 9. February 2022, 12:04) | 29 |  83 %
 | Pip pip by sunnyjum (solved on 8. February 2022, 19:12) | 33 |  88 %
 | 2 easy by lerroyy (solved on 5. February 2022, 21:57) | 75 |  81 %
 | Minesweeper by Burning Curtains (solved on 4. February 2022, 09:41) | 54 |  96 %
 | Smokey Mirror by LittleMLO (solved on 3. February 2022, 21:10) | 53 |  87 %
 | Unlucky To Sum by Scruffamudda (solved on 2. February 2022, 13:42) | 46 |  88 %
 | 4DS by Bremster (solved on 30. January 2022, 21:47) | 45 |  95 %
 | Entropic Lines 101 by Raumplaner (solved on 29. January 2022, 16:49) | 266 |  86 %
 | Xentropic Lines by JeremyDover (solved on 29. January 2022, 15:43) | 156 |  90 %
 | Boxes with 9 by FlowJo (solved on 29. January 2022, 10:04) | 118 |  90 %
 | Satanic Sudoku by TheRiddler (solved on 29. January 2022, 08:54) | 119 |  77 %
 | DSM Qualitraining 2022: Treppen-Sudoku by Phistomefel (solved on 28. January 2022, 18:14) | 350 |  89 %
 | That's ODD! by Will Power (solved on 28. January 2022, 13:09) | 199 |  85 %