| Description | solved | Rating
| Knights and Crosses by ste221093 (solved on 12. July 2022, 14:29) | 89 | 89 %
| The Four Horsemen by wildhound007 (solved on 12. July 2022, 14:12) | 37 | 84 %
| Fifth Floor Penthouses by SSG (solved on 11. July 2022, 09:03) | 21 | 91 %
| Wheel Balancer (Reifenwuchtmaschine) by Will Power (solved on 10. July 2022, 09:31) | 255 | 91 %
| Lathe by Bremster (solved on 10. July 2022, 09:25) | 68 | 94 %
| Jumping Eyes / Springende Augen by PDN777 (solved on 6. July 2022, 19:16) | 130 | 89 %
| A Walk in the Park (im Park spazieren gehen) by Will Power (solved on 6. July 2022, 13:58) | 184 | 90 %
| Creative Title 2.0 by Schwupel (solved on 4. July 2022, 15:13) | 84 | 93 %
| Jay by Malrog (solved on 4. July 2022, 14:16) | 234 | 92 %
| Imprisoned (Killer Rooms Sudoku) by Agent (solved on 2. July 2022, 11:17) | 84 | 99 %
| Killer's Paradise by wildhound007 (solved on 2. July 2022, 09:09) | 33 | 91 %
| FUN by DocLogic (solved on 2. July 2022, 08:16) | 77 | 93 %
| Colors Of DOOM by Joseph nehme (solved on 1. July 2022, 18:04) | 131 | 94 %
| Wizardry by Blobz (solved on 1. July 2022, 16:23) | 148 | 93 %
| Find the clues yourself sudoku by filuta (solved on 1. July 2022, 13:48) | 65 | 86 %
| Chaos Deconstruction: Position Sums by KNT (solved on 1. July 2022, 11:28) | 73 | 100 %
| Arrow Sudoku pointing to thermos by cdwg2000 (solved on 1. July 2022, 10:20) | 131 | 86 %
| ew by mathpesto (solved on 1. July 2022, 10:07) | 62 | 96 %
| Mad Scientist's Fabric Box by Skunkworks (solved on 30. June 2022, 19:56) | 168 | 95 %
| Another Frowning Fish by cam (solved on 30. June 2022, 19:01) | 151 | 95 %