Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Four Horsemen

(Eingestellt am 10. Juli 2022, 19:26 Uhr von wildhound007)

Rules: Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits along a thermometer must increase from the bulb end. Digits along an arrow sum to the digit in the circle. Digits must not repeat along indicated diagonal. Clues outside the grid are either: Skyscraper clues, x-sums or sandwich clues. However, all clues outside of the grid are wrogn. (i.e If there is a 8 outside of row 3, then there cannot be 8 skyscrapers in row 3, the first x number of digits cannot sum to 8, and digits between 1 and 9 cannot sum to 8.)

Solve on F-Puzzles

Solve on CTC

Happy Solving !!!

Lösungscode: Column 4 followed by Row 7 (18 digits, no spaces)

Gelöst von SKORP17, OutOfMyMindBRB, Kigor, jalebc, Onkel_Dagobert, bansalsaab, Pikachutus, kkli, me0815, Tilberg, beesquestionmark, AvonD, Lizzy01, ___, mos, Xean, e5ten, PippoForte, Isa, Banana, Julianl, galgamer, PepperWood, 0123coolkid, StefanSch, szy2120109, lovely, lsw770770, Ulistef, waibibabu, silent492, arachnid, flaemmchen, SuWi, SashaBu, Sewerin, mezkur7
Komplette Liste

Bewertung:84 %
Gelöst:37 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal


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