| Description | solved | Rating
 | A "Parity" of Mario by H.Bell (solved on 5. September 2024, 17:22) | 284 |  94 %
 | Roadblocks by jwsinclair (solved on 17. August 2024, 22:31) | 580 |  92 %
 | wall by lunatism (solved on 4. August 2024, 22:21) | 240 |  86 %
 | Intelligent Octopus by Will Power (solved on 4. August 2024, 22:01) | 235 |  89 %
 | Triple Trouble (5x5x3) [Region Sum, Dutch Whispers, Renban] by fractalJim (solved on 2. August 2024, 21:17) | 164 |  91 %
 | Septa by fractalJim (solved on 20. July 2024, 22:48) | 336 |  92 %
 | Saarland by farodin64 (solved on 14. July 2023, 14:56) | 240 |  91 %
 | Mitochondria by Scojo (solved on 26. June 2023, 12:41) | 979 |  90 %
 | Woolen Dough by dodomos (solved on 21. June 2023, 11:55) | 268 |  93 %
 | Stickman Rock Climbing Wall by Will Power (solved on 16. June 2023, 15:09) | 290 |  92 %
 | Here Comes the Pitch! by Will Power (solved on 15. June 2023, 12:35) | 221 |  92 %
 | Irish Dots V by Tingo (solved on 31. May 2023, 19:44) | 201 |  91 %
 | 红葉puzzles(PP116): Nurikabe004 by cdwg2000 (solved on 29. May 2023, 17:37) | 98 |  86 %
 | Fibonacci Sequence by Will Power (solved on 29. May 2023, 14:22) | 136 |  86 %
 | Incoherent Light by heliopolix (solved on 28. May 2023, 13:00) | 301 |  81 %
 | Boba Fett by Ceedrich (solved on 27. May 2023, 23:51) | 161 |  89 %
 | VorteX by Scojo (solved on 26. May 2023, 14:21) | 221 |  88 %
 | You Have the First Say(ori) by 99%Sneaky (solved on 24. May 2023, 22:58) | 122 |  85 %
 | ABCtje für Anfänger (2) by pin7guin (solved on 23. May 2023, 10:06) | 785 |  75 %
 | ABCtje für Anfänger (1) by pin7guin (solved on 23. May 2023, 09:53) | 1532 |  74 %