| Description | solved | Rating
| Kongruenz-Rundweg mit Diagonalen by ibag (solved on 9. April 2021, 10:57) | 60 | 98 %
| Game Over by brandon_bot (solved on 8. April 2021, 23:58) | 53 | 97 %
| Tag 12 - Icebarn by CJK (solved on 8. April 2021, 22:20) | 53 | 96 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (297) - Palindrome Snake Sudoku by Richard (solved on 8. April 2021, 20:14) | 118 | 98 %
| Killer Sandwich by Alexander Rappa (solved on 8. April 2021, 16:13) | 45 | 99 %
| Nurikabe Killer Sudoku by udukos (solved on 8. April 2021, 14:50) | 57 | 98 %
| Japanische Koralle by ibag (solved on 6. April 2021, 22:37) | 92 | 98 %
| Poisoned Bagel by Bismuth (solved on 6. April 2021, 19:52) | 67 | 97 %
| Six-pack Linked Sudokus #5 by Genomico (solved on 5. April 2021, 23:19) | 78 | 99 %
| Landvermessung by Zzzyxas (solved on 8. January 2021, 21:44) | 85 | 96 %
| Roller Coaster mit Extras 17 by Uhu (solved on 7. January 2021, 21:20) | 35 | 99 %
| U-Bahn mit gemischten Hinweisen (Teil 2) by Zzzyxas (solved on 6. January 2021, 19:51) | 43 | 99 %
| Wichtel 2018 (5): Japanische U-Bahn by wichtel (solved on 5. January 2021, 22:49) | 41 | 99 %
| The 6 Sudokus of Christmas by Stavros96 (solved on 4. January 2021, 21:04) | 45 | 99 %
| Tetromino Korobeiniki Sudoku by logopolys (solved on 3. January 2021, 16:29) | 18 | 90 %
| Pentominoes (8 x 5) - Poker (4 x 10) by Voyager (solved on 3. January 2021, 11:44) | 5 | N/A
| Exploding Pentomino Sudoku by psams (solved on 2. January 2021, 22:50) | 13 | 88 %
| Pentominous + Killer Sudoku by mandourin (solved on 2. January 2021, 22:10) | 15 | 98 %
| Pentominous Star Battle by Jesper (solved on 1. January 2021, 22:46) | 78 | 95 %
| Roundabout (WPC 2019) by rob (solved on 31. December 2020, 21:44) | 82 | 99 %