Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Absolute Valudrome

(Eingestellt am 29. September 2020, 08:43 Uhr von Big Tiger)

Standard Sudoku Rules apply to the final numerical layout.

The Grey Line in the grid is a palindrome beginning and ending at the two grey circles. But this is not a palindrome of the digits in the cells! This is a palindrome of the absolute values between the cells: The difference between the first and second cells at one end will be the same as the difference between the first and second cells at the other end, and so on to the center cell of the grey line.

And Circles With Numbers in the grid indicate the absolute value between the two given cells.

Arrows outside the grid are standard Little Killers, with the cells along the given diagonals summing to the numbers by the arrows.


Setter's Diary :: September 29, 2020 :: Creating the palindrome itself required a certain amount of scratch paper but ended up being easier than expected. Testing it was another thing, and I learned something very important about trying to force a Sudoku grid into relying solely on absolute values. But I won't say anymore until you've tried solving it.

Lösungscode: Column 4 then Column 6, top to bottom.

Zuletzt geändert am 17. November 2020, 20:26 Uhr

Gelöst von henter, MartinR, zorant, rimodech, Luigi, WsMontyG, karen_birgitta, Manchego, ThrowngNinja, Kaonashi, JonnyKaufman, PrimeWeasel, Greg, Narayana, ArisK, cdwg2000, samuella, DamnedLight, Ragna, ... ManuH, Zoidzerg, Kabuki73, NikolaZ, Debrutsid, DiMono, Genomico, MorganFreeee, polar, PetLov, _chucklehead, tinounou, jchan18, HugoSimon, LeLoyJenkins, FzFeather, SirWoezel, Strosahl, cfop, Crul
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 23. Oktober 2020, 21:56 Uhr

am 22. Oktober 2020, 14:41 Uhr von PetLov
Thank you Big Tiger. This is a really enjoyable puzzle.

*** Thank you! :-)

am 30. September 2020, 11:04 Uhr von cdwg2000
Nice puzzles,Thanks.

Zuletzt geändert am 30. September 2020, 01:08 Uhr

am 29. September 2020, 23:41 Uhr von Greg
Very nice. Thanks!

*** Thank YOU for trying it out!

Zuletzt geändert am 30. September 2020, 00:55 Uhr

am 29. September 2020, 22:42 Uhr von PrimeWeasel
Ugh I thought it was broken cause I had the puzzle on my screen in such a way that the 17 Killer clue was 7. 1-2-4 in that box made it impossible. Kept going back to the top if it could be anything else. Took me at least 10 minutes before seeing my own stupid mistake haha. Great puzzle!

*** Thank you! And I'm sorry it gave you an unwanted headache along the way, ha ha.

Zuletzt geändert am 29. September 2020, 21:15 Uhr

am 29. September 2020, 21:13 Uhr von JonnyKaufman
By no means am I an authority of what makes a great puzzle, but this is by far one of the best puzzles I've every had the pleasure to solve. Thank you!

*** Pleasure is a personal taste, and I'm happy you had a great time with this one!

Zuletzt geändert am 29. September 2020, 21:16 Uhr

am 29. September 2020, 20:15 Uhr von Kaonashi
What a fun puzzle, I enjoyed every minute of solving this. Thanks for sharing!

*** My pleasure! Glad you had fun!

am 29. September 2020, 16:26 Uhr von WsMontyG
F-Puzzles Link: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=y6thmqgk

(Note, Highlight conflicts is disabled due to the special palindrome)

Zuletzt geändert am 29. September 2020, 17:55 Uhr

am 29. September 2020, 14:42 Uhr von Luigi
Thank you for this wonderful puzzle!

*** You're very welcome! It was a random experiment, and I'm glad someone enjoyed it! ***

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:50 mal
Beobachtet:12 mal


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