| Description | solved | Rating
 | House Par(i)ty (10 in 1 sudoku puzzle) by AnalyticalNinja (solved on 6. October 2023, 12:16) | 174 |  96 %
 | 1428 Elm Street by mathpesto (solved on 5. October 2023, 15:18) | 97 |  89 %
 | Torus Arrows by Dr Sudoku (solved on 5. October 2023, 06:38) | 20 |  84 %
 | Purple(ish) Rain (LK Renban) by tallcat (solved on 5. October 2023, 04:41) | 97 |  93 %
 | Barbed Wire by Jobo (solved on 5. October 2023, 03:55) | 166 |  92 %
 | Lines in the Fog by apete (solved on 5. October 2023, 01:38) | 241 |  93 %
 | Clover by PotatoHead21 (solved on 4. October 2023, 11:36) | 42 |  85 %
 | Buena Suerte by jwsinclair (solved on 4. October 2023, 07:50) | 290 |  96 %
 | Crossing Mercury by arbitrary (solved on 4. October 2023, 07:29) | 68 |  93 %
 | Modular Mirror by RockyRoer (solved on 4. October 2023, 06:23) | 69 |  94 %
 | 159 Arrows by Blobz (solved on 3. October 2023, 11:34) | 184 |  97 %
 | Aurora borealis by palpot (solved on 3. October 2023, 11:03) | 171 |  92 %
 | Portal X-sums by Playmaker6174 (solved on 3. October 2023, 08:05) | 26 |  96 %
 | Seven Little Killers by Florian Wortmann (solved on 1. October 2023, 10:59) | 186 |  96 %
 | An Approachable Miracle Sudoku by Sumanta(ANU) (solved on 30. September 2023, 23:27) | 248 |  90 %
 | Wrestlers and Referee by Will Power (solved on 30. September 2023, 12:17) | 166 |  91 %
 | Lone Hut by Black_Doom (solved on 30. September 2023, 08:40) | 48 |  88 %
 | You Want Lines? We've Got Lines! by HalfBakedLunatic (solved on 30. September 2023, 07:42) | 77 |  94 %
 | Schrödinger 203: Quantum Tunnelling by ViKingPrime (solved on 30. September 2023, 06:01) | 53 |  97 %
 | Manatee Meadow by heliopolix (solved on 30. September 2023, 04:49) | 209 |  95 %