| Description | solved | Rating
| Star Battle Sandwich Sudoku by panthchesh (solved on 13. July 2023, 08:26) | 180 | 93 %
| Sayori (V2) by LittleNightmaresLady (solved on 11. July 2023, 00:46) | 9 | N/A
| X-Rated by PjotrV (solved on 4. July 2023, 17:59) | 40 | 89 %
| Deconstruction by Jay Dyer (solved on 4. July 2023, 04:18) | 214 | 97 %
| Whispairs by Bondye (solved on 3. July 2023, 07:41) | 200 | 89 %
| Fog, Deconstructed by jwsinclair (solved on 3. July 2023, 01:43) | 267 | 94 %
| My Heart is "Two" Broken by LittleNightmaresLady (solved on 30. June 2023, 05:12) | 9 | N/A
| Trash Arrow Sudoku by LittleNightmaresLady (solved on 29. June 2023, 07:10) | 23 | 93 %
| 1. Achtelwenden 8x8 by adam001 (solved on 28. June 2023, 10:51) | 193 | 84 %
| Zwilling: Hochhäuser und Fillomino by berni (solved on 27. June 2023, 10:59) | 196 | 91 %
| Kropkikabe Jr. by MmeMagique (solved on 27. June 2023, 08:19) | 98 | 96 %
| A Masterpiece by panthchesh (solved on 27. June 2023, 05:48) | 62 | 87 %
| Pluto (Dwarf Planet) by Blobz (solved on 25. June 2023, 21:14) | 857 | 79 %
| Bridges and Fillings by mathpesto (solved on 25. June 2023, 19:53) | 133 | 95 %
| The 5th Mean by Palfly Kampling (solved on 24. June 2023, 22:30) | 228 | 96 %
| Sayori II by LittleNightmaresLady (solved on 24. June 2023, 03:56) | 3 | N/A
| 789 by LittleNightmaresLady (solved on 22. June 2023, 08:24) | 95 | 96 %
| A Fillomino for the Bees by mathpesto (solved on 21. June 2023, 07:00) | 44 | 95 %
| Last Stand by dennischen (solved on 19. June 2023, 21:33) | 30 | 86 %
| Vivian by wooferzfg (solved on 19. June 2023, 09:18) | 52 | 96 %