| Description | solved | Rating
| Get Even by andreasv (solved on 20. February 2023, 13:34) | 156 | 83 %
| Always the Minimum by EricRathbun (solved on 20. February 2023, 13:18) | 327 | 95 %
| Magic Eye by jwsinclair (solved on 20. February 2023, 13:05) | 265 | 95 %
| Record Highs by ViKingPrime (solved on 20. February 2023, 08:05) | 555 | 93 %
| Totem of Easy by Ceedrich (solved on 20. February 2023, 07:50) | 203 | 88 %
| In The Lab by Bremster (solved on 19. February 2023, 21:17) | 170 | 91 %
| All Bets Are Off by Bremster (solved on 19. February 2023, 21:01) | 173 | 81 %
| Killing it 1 to 9 by Lisztes (solved on 19. February 2023, 20:56) | 157 | 79 %
| Clueless Knight XV by Lutterot (solved on 19. February 2023, 20:44) | 218 | 88 %
| Whispering German Diamonds by ExFalsoQuodlibet (solved on 19. February 2023, 20:24) | 171 | 92 %
| A Walk in the Black Forest by Bremster (solved on 19. February 2023, 20:09) | 180 | 93 %
| Framed by mathpesto (solved on 19. February 2023, 19:58) | 199 | 97 %
| Bermuda Quadrangle by Tyrgannus (solved on 19. February 2023, 16:06) | 157 | 93 %
| Mochi The Cat by Allagem (solved on 19. February 2023, 15:47) | 231 | 93 %
| In The Vatican by britboy3456 (solved on 19. February 2023, 15:09) | 214 | 89 %
| Whispering German Fish by ExFalsoQuodlibet (solved on 19. February 2023, 14:57) | 209 | 92 %
| XV Palindrome by ExFalsoQuodlibet (solved on 19. February 2023, 14:47) | 169 | 86 %
| Mew - 156 (Thermometer + renban sudoku) by Aspartagcus (solved on 19. February 2023, 14:34) | 173 | 85 %
| Find the Bulbs by andreasv (solved on 19. February 2023, 14:25) | 160 | 82 %
| Say Cheese! (Whisper XV) by tallcat (solved on 19. February 2023, 14:07) | 191 | 92 %