| Description | solved | Rating
| Three Hidden Lakes (Nala’s Adventures #9) by SandraNala (solved on 17. November 2023, 16:16) | 537 | 94 %
| Helium Neon G.A.S. Lasers by Will Power (solved on 14. November 2023, 06:13) | 316 | 91 %
| ? by DocLogic (solved on 14. November 2023, 03:15) | 201 | 95 %
| Dressed to the Nines by Will Power (solved on 6. November 2023, 18:13) | 436 | 90 %
| Equality Cages 101: Introduction to Equality Cages by gUBBLOR (solved on 6. November 2023, 17:43) | 425 | 91 %
| Foggy Outside by Flinty (solved on 6. November 2023, 17:12) | 735 | 92 %
| Equality Cages 106: Are you feeling the heat? Cool! by gUBBLOR (solved on 5. November 2023, 23:18) | 382 | 91 %
| The Knight That Sees Spots by Tingo (solved on 3. November 2023, 17:35) | 115 | 80 %
| Shine On You Crazy Diamond by Abdul the Killer (solved on 3. November 2023, 16:26) | 52 | 88 %
| Happy Birthday by Abdul the Killer (solved on 3. November 2023, 03:38) | 74 | 93 %
| Killer in the Mist by Flinty (solved on 30. October 2023, 20:22) | 361 | 93 %
| Oscilloscope Wave Interference by Will Power (solved on 30. October 2023, 19:49) | 392 | 92 %
| Variant Quest Sudoku by ark29 (solved on 30. October 2023, 15:45) | 355 | 91 %
| Killer in the Dark by Flinty (solved on 29. October 2023, 00:27) | 602 | 90 %
| Square Roots by Jobo (solved on 21. October 2023, 19:16) | 483 | 95 %
| Simon's Small Colouring Sheet (6x6 Irregular) by Aaronomys (solved on 16. October 2023, 22:47) | 135 | 84 %
| An Expansion on Colouring by Silverscree (solved on 16. October 2023, 22:29) | 462 | 92 %
| Arithmetic Quiz Fillomino by mnasti2 (solved on 16. October 2023, 22:21) | 324 | 94 %
| Double The Fun (Nala‘s Adventures #11) by SandraNala (solved on 16. October 2023, 22:09) | 485 | 94 %
| Lines in the Fog by apete (solved on 6. October 2023, 15:14) | 232 | 93 %